Thursday, June 11, 2009


Today, my baby is finally back!!! I'm really happy because I really miss him alot.

However, he's really tired. I really want to just lay in his arm and hug him throughout the night but he's tired. Then I just want to have a long, nice kiss, he's tired. I really feel like crying now. T.T

I slept alot the whole day so that we can spend some time tonight and I'm so awake now! He's behind me sleeping.. T.T

Baby, baby I really miss you so much, I couldn't sleep at home when you're not with me. T.T Please hug me when you sleep ok? I love you. Night night.


PS: After I finish posting this, I went to bed. Baby was sleeping on the whole bed himself. There's only a small space enough for a 1 year-old kid to sleep so I squeeze in and push him, finally I have a space. ^^ Then I lie in his arm and he hugged me. ^^ BUT, not even 5 SECONDS, he pushed me away. Of course, I didn't give up, try again. This time, we hugged for 5 minutes and I weren't even near to sleep then he push me away, this time, he GROWLED then totally turned away. Why I weren't near to wanting to sleep even though I'm really sleepy? Because when I hug my baby, his chest hair is so long that they are coming into my nose!!!! T.T Today's attempt fail again. T.T Try again tomorrow. T.T

PS2: finally he hugged me really tightly when he's sleeping... ^^ But only for a while because of the stupid weather... T.T Wished I have aircond now..

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Today, I'm feeling really sad but at the same time happy.

Sad because my mom is coughing badly. I don't know what to do. I don't dare to ask her how she's feeling. It seems like she's suffering. It makes me really scared, it reminds me of my dad. I really don't want my mom to be sick anymore. It really cuts my heart.

Happy because my baby is coming back to Melaka in maximum 21 hours. ^^

How fast can I change my family condition? Please guide me and help me.

Ya Baha'u'll-abha!


Monday, June 8, 2009


It's the 2nd night I'm spending at home because my baby have to go to Cricket Tournament in JB..

Yesterday, I slept on the floor in the living room because there was no bed to sleep in my house. T.T Now I just feel like crying because my mom's sleeping on the lazy-man-chair in the living room, I don't know if it's for me but I feel like my heart is being sliced..

Another 90 days, I'm turning 20, it means my mom is turning 49 and 4 months and 12 days. She's getting older each day, having more and more white hair but still loving each and every of her daughter more. I really hope that I can abandoned my stupidness, stubborness and laziness to work really hard and earn alot so that she won't need to work.

Since dad passed away, she's been working really hard for the family. It's been 10 years now. T.T I love studying but I know that that is that my priority. I don't want to be a family burden anymore, I don't want to just know how to spend and save, I want to be able to contribute to the family. Even though, now, I still don't have any success yet, I know that one day, my day will come when my mom only need to worry about where to go for vacation and which dress to buy; no more worried about the water bill, electricity bill, land tax, indah water bill even about the prices of things she want. I want to be like Blake Morgan..

Mom, please give me more time. It's not because I'm stubborn that I don't want to give up what I'm doing and come home to help you. It's because I know I can do well in Herbalife. No matter how bad I'm doing now, I know that one day, I can give in all I know and be one of the star that no one can torn me down, no one will screw our life anymore.

I will do it honestly, sincerely and enthusiastically. May Papa, grandma, Abdul Baha and Baha'u'llah Bless our family with peace, happiness, joyfulness and guidance, everyday. I love you, my family. =)
