Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Today, I'm really pissed off. Guess what happened? Somebody stolen my sister's phone from my house! Till now, it's still a mist. I can't do anything. I don't understand what's happening. I feel that it's a great danger. It's either the person who repaired the phone took it or there were someone else.

I'm really pissed off because mom let the suspect go and sister didn't want to report to the police. Yes I know that the police can't do anything but what if someone had another spare keys to my house. What would happen to my family?

Can anyone tell me what should I do? I don't want anyone to harm my family.


Monday, March 9, 2009


After Jerry's incident, I really thought I could never fall in love with another boy. I guess, I overestimated myself. Now, I understand that everything is fated. If it's yours, it's yours.

Lately, I've spent 10 days out of my house, I still go home everyday but I don't sleep at home. Actually, I try to want to sleep at home but there was no space for me. I don't know how you would feel about me but I know that I don't fancy a home that is like a place to sleep only. I want to feel home.

I have new friends that treats me like family. However, when it comes to problem, I really don't want to bother them because they really can 't help even if I tell. ^^ Anyway, I don't expect them to help me. I just wan them to be happy and see me as a happy person.

Baby, you're so sweet. Today you asked me, "why do you like me?" I really don't know why. I've been thinking of this question too. I guess it's because you have a shoulder that would protect me and you gave me a good, strong first impression. You protected me. Really made me love you.

I don't know if you would love me too. Just hope that you're happy. ^^ Even if you say you want to be just friend. Deep down in my heart, though I don't want to be just friend, but it's ok, as long as you're happy.
