Sunday, November 15, 2009
But I am really really really happy. ^^
Friday, November 6, 2009
5 months off
But then...
I didn't realise that when we change, it doesn't mean we lose ourselves. It means I'm just a butterfly that was a caterpillar but is still a caterpillar inside even if I posses as a butterfly.
I'm really afraid to change because no body can accept me being changed. It made me feel reluctant and hesitate if I can be a better person on my on. Thus, I became the one who try to make everybody around me feel worst so that I can be good.
I know it's wrong. I want to change and I will with absolute courage, change for the better. I know that no one can help me to change if I doubt for change.
Change, here I come!!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Anyway, I've learned alot and is ready to go for more changes and strive for the best. Let me have my time to force myself to change from this corrupted life to more meaningful life. I want to spend my life with my baby but with better conditions and babies. ^^
Life's a miracle when you believe. ^^ I have to consistently remind myself that.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
However, he's really tired. I really want to just lay in his arm and hug him throughout the night but he's tired. Then I just want to have a long, nice kiss, he's tired. I really feel like crying now. T.T
I slept alot the whole day so that we can spend some time tonight and I'm so awake now! He's behind me sleeping.. T.T
Baby, baby I really miss you so much, I couldn't sleep at home when you're not with me. T.T Please hug me when you sleep ok? I love you. Night night.
PS: After I finish posting this, I went to bed. Baby was sleeping on the whole bed himself. There's only a small space enough for a 1 year-old kid to sleep so I squeeze in and push him, finally I have a space. ^^ Then I lie in his arm and he hugged me. ^^ BUT, not even 5 SECONDS, he pushed me away. Of course, I didn't give up, try again. This time, we hugged for 5 minutes and I weren't even near to sleep then he push me away, this time, he GROWLED then totally turned away. Why I weren't near to wanting to sleep even though I'm really sleepy? Because when I hug my baby, his chest hair is so long that they are coming into my nose!!!! T.T Today's attempt fail again. T.T Try again tomorrow. T.T
PS2: finally he hugged me really tightly when he's sleeping... ^^ But only for a while because of the stupid weather... T.T Wished I have aircond now..
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Sad because my mom is coughing badly. I don't know what to do. I don't dare to ask her how she's feeling. It seems like she's suffering. It makes me really scared, it reminds me of my dad. I really don't want my mom to be sick anymore. It really cuts my heart.
Happy because my baby is coming back to Melaka in maximum 21 hours. ^^
How fast can I change my family condition? Please guide me and help me.
Ya Baha'u'll-abha!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Yesterday, I slept on the floor in the living room because there was no bed to sleep in my house. T.T Now I just feel like crying because my mom's sleeping on the lazy-man-chair in the living room, I don't know if it's for me but I feel like my heart is being sliced..
Another 90 days, I'm turning 20, it means my mom is turning 49 and 4 months and 12 days. She's getting older each day, having more and more white hair but still loving each and every of her daughter more. I really hope that I can abandoned my stupidness, stubborness and laziness to work really hard and earn alot so that she won't need to work.
Since dad passed away, she's been working really hard for the family. It's been 10 years now. T.T I love studying but I know that that is that my priority. I don't want to be a family burden anymore, I don't want to just know how to spend and save, I want to be able to contribute to the family. Even though, now, I still don't have any success yet, I know that one day, my day will come when my mom only need to worry about where to go for vacation and which dress to buy; no more worried about the water bill, electricity bill, land tax, indah water bill even about the prices of things she want. I want to be like Blake Morgan..
Mom, please give me more time. It's not because I'm stubborn that I don't want to give up what I'm doing and come home to help you. It's because I know I can do well in Herbalife. No matter how bad I'm doing now, I know that one day, I can give in all I know and be one of the star that no one can torn me down, no one will screw our life anymore.
I will do it honestly, sincerely and enthusiastically. May Papa, grandma, Abdul Baha and Baha'u'llah Bless our family with peace, happiness, joyfulness and guidance, everyday. I love you, my family. =)
Friday, June 5, 2009
2 crazy days.
Last 2 days, me, my baby and Juliana, just wanted to send Omaima to airport and after that send Juliana back to Nilai. Of course, after that, home sweet home, Melaka. ^^ We left at 7.30am from Melaka to KLIA.
No one could imagine how amazing this adventure could start. Once we reach Nilai, not even 30 minutes, Juliana said that it's an emergency and that we have to leave for PERAK at once!
Due to the emergency, we left for Perak. And we reach after I think 2 hours but i don't know if it's that long.... You'll know why in the end of this post. ^^ The fun thing that happen in Perak is that we stopped in almost every traffic light, asking for directions. But the funny thing is that, at the first traffic light, this happened:
"Hi aunty, how are you? Can you tell me where is Perak?" Then I translated into mandarin to aunty.
"Erm, you are actually in the city of Perak, Ipoh."
I burst into tears of laughter because I knew we were in Ipoh, PERAK too but subconsciously, I translated that question... Haha. Till now, I can still remember that funny moment. Haha.
Then we left for our DESTINATIONs...
Oh ya, in Ipoh, we went to The Lost World of Tambun, Sunway Ipoh City, Jaya Jusco (IPOH), etc.
We didn't go in the Waterpark because we were under budget. And the other two entertainment is UNDER UPGRADING!!!! We bought a 3 for RM10 keychain for each then left for Jaya Jusco. The interesting thing about the Jusco there is that, there's a sale going around everywhere and there's a FOC phone charging booth. ^^
After several hours in Perak, it was going to be midnight and we still couldn't find the person we were searching for and guess what?! We decided to leave for Pulau Pinang instead of Nilai!
I was sleeping the whole 40minutes drive to Pinang but I was told that they saw nice cars, drove of snakey roads, saw hot girls and also a drunk girl that's keep telling my baby where she stays... >.<''' 1.30am, we reach a guesthouse and just lied on the bed and sleep. Then we woke up at 11.55am to check out at 12noon. ^^ We're good customers. ^^
Guess what?! After that, we went around looking for FOOD. We stopped in Nasi Kandar shop and Waleed baby didn't want to eat at all! So we went around and around, looking for the Kassim Mustapha which is in Jalan Chulia. But we didn't find it. After 3 hours, rounding, looking for food, finally, my baby couldn't stand it and he turned crazy due to 2 reason, Penang drivers are CRAZY (it's true, they are really selfich and crazy drivers, even the motorcyclist!) and we cannot find any food which is Halal and for all!
I was having fever on the second day so I was sleeping then we ate in a food court. ^^ The most angry part is that 5 minutes after we left the food court with full stomach, we found Kassim Mustapha!
...and I saw the snakey road and beautiful beaches. ^^ Love Pulau Pinang view but hate Pulau Pinang people! I remember stopping to ask for place to go and eat, they say go here go there but we never found any! STARVED!!! Anyway...
We left for Melaka after that. Oh ya, at the Shell petrol station, one girl ask me how to lose weight... Button respond. ^^
We left for Melaka, under really no budget-no money. But we managed to reach, eat McDonalds and enjoy at 1.30am because my baby did MAGIC!!!!! =p
Overall, it's a crazy adventure. Now we've been to places and coincidently, with the same rented car. Maybe it's just fate. ^^
I'm really happy with the life now. I love you baby. ^^ Thanks alot. ^^
Friday, May 29, 2009
Today, he shouted at me really really loud and I felt really scared. For a second, I felt like fainting. Later in the evening, we were hungry so he went to buy food but he came back after 1 hour plus. I was starving till my stomach's cramping. Then we walked to ATM to withdraw and went for drink. There, he ordered snack and because I told him to save, he got mad and didn't take the snack. Maybe the way I told him to save money was wrong but my intention were good. =(
I feel like crying now. My stomach's cramping and my head's aching. When would my baby understand that I didn't change and I need him even when I don't speak.
How can I let him understand that i just need him to be there for me even when I'm crying out loud and just couldn't stop?
How can i let him understand that sometimes I don't want to talk but I would tell him everything in the world as long as he don't yell at me when I keep quiet?
How do I let him know that I love him more than anything in the world and now I really need his support to be encouraged to start Herbalife again after my great fall?
How can I let him know that I love him so much that words can't say anything of how i feel inside?
Baby, please trust me. =(
Monday, May 18, 2009
we talked, finally.
I wasn't at all surprised with what she've said. Actually, it was expected already. No idea how it happened but still it happened. I love my mom and I wish to show her everything. Just give me time.
I don't want to brag how I'm going to be doing it. I'll be walking the talk.
Lets see what'll happened after that. ^^
Ya Baha'u'll-abha! May God Bless me! ^^
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The past 10 days...
I used to be really spoiled but now I'm just having fun to be staying in place I used to be not able to get used to. Living out of own comfortable house is really a new thing I have to get used to. It've been really difficult but I'm getting used to it already.
Many things happened. Many times I grow. Many people I met, get to know and many of them left. I see alot of new things and I feel alot of new feelings. Life is really a magic.
Miracle things I never thought of, started happening. It's like my greater test is starting because God have answered my prayer to give me a new and harder test. It's really miraculous.
Here I am, in the same place I cried, last Saturday and now I'm looking into the laptop, writing my blog. It's really weird.
Why am I just a normal human? I want to change. To live the life to the fullest. Lets be extraordinary by doing what an ordinary person does, do his best in everything.
I have changed?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I feel alone now. No one can help me.
I miss those days.
Friday, April 17, 2009
For the past 7 days, it's been a really bad week. I've hurt my baby so many times, I don't know if he understand that when he's hurt, I feel more hurt. I can't believe all this is happening to me. I really love him. Today, he told me that he want to break for few days but he didn't say it.
I feel sadder after hear him saying that. I feel like breaking apart now. My brain and my mind can't connect. What's happening?
I want to break free. Who can I turn to? I don't need a boyfriend, I need a real man.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tell me why that it has to be like this. Why is all this so forcefully? Why is this so cruel? Why is this happening to me?
Sometimes, actually all the time, I want to give up but it's just driving me nearer to my goals then you drive me further because of your words. Please let me be free for some time. Set me free.
Who can I turn to now?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I'm really pissed off because mom let the suspect go and sister didn't want to report to the police. Yes I know that the police can't do anything but what if someone had another spare keys to my house. What would happen to my family?
Can anyone tell me what should I do? I don't want anyone to harm my family.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Lately, I've spent 10 days out of my house, I still go home everyday but I don't sleep at home. Actually, I try to want to sleep at home but there was no space for me. I don't know how you would feel about me but I know that I don't fancy a home that is like a place to sleep only. I want to feel home.
I have new friends that treats me like family. However, when it comes to problem, I really don't want to bother them because they really can 't help even if I tell. ^^ Anyway, I don't expect them to help me. I just wan them to be happy and see me as a happy person.
Baby, you're so sweet. Today you asked me, "why do you like me?" I really don't know why. I've been thinking of this question too. I guess it's because you have a shoulder that would protect me and you gave me a good, strong first impression. You protected me. Really made me love you.
I don't know if you would love me too. Just hope that you're happy. ^^ Even if you say you want to be just friend. Deep down in my heart, though I don't want to be just friend, but it's ok, as long as you're happy.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
It was a great day. Good for a new comer to dance. Love dancing.
Had some experience of people wanted to hook up with me and someone protected me. ^^ I like the feeling of being protected. ^^ I love dancing and today I really had fun. ^^
It's my best time of the week after all those problems I have to solve throughout the whole breakup process. I can chill now!
Other than this, that guy's not bugging me anymore, today. Haha. ^^
Overall, it's an average day. ^^
I was shocked! He have to get married and stay in Saudi!!!
He promised to let me see his wife so he might come to Malaysia with his wife to see me. ^^
I guess she's very beautiful, that's why he want to show off. Haha.
Rami, wish you have a happy marriage. ^^
Friday, February 27, 2009
Help! Help! Help! Help!
There's this guy, everyday, he calls me more than 50 times, miss calls me more than 50 times, texts me more than 50 times!!!! I can't work! Sh**!
If he can't get through me, he'll track me everywhere. My house, my working places, places I go! Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave me alone!!
I've scolded him and it seems that he's ignoring it. I've told him to stop and he's becoming worse!!! I think I need to shift! AH!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!
He started behaving like this since he know that I don't have a boyfriend! HELP!!!! Other than this, he keeps hinting me on things!! He's now planning to buy a house and want me to shift in to live with him! He's talking to me about wedding, children's names, his family! S*it!
Can anyone suggest me what to do? I can't possibly change my number because it's a business number. so how???????? I've scolded, yelled at him and now I'm running away from him. I've tell him off but he's turning more ON!!! Help!!!!!!
Disgusted by everything has in common with him!!! HELP!!!!! Please Please Please Please!!!!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I really thought I could let him be just a memory but he came into my dream. All the sweet memories. I swear I didn't think of him the whole day, I swear I wasn't thinking about him before I sleep. But after dreaming of him, I can't stop missing him.
My dear friends, I know you all hope that I can forget him. I know you all think that he's not suitable for me. I know you all want me to live a better life. I promised you all I would and I will. This is my promise and I'll fulfill it.
It's not that I don't want to meet any other guys after him but I need time. Please don't bring me to meet different guys everyday BUT if it's for business then it's ok. ^^
I could smell him. The smell of the cigarettes, he had before we fell apart. I really miss him. Everyone said that it's impossible.
Maybe it's true that it's just puppy love, to everyone. But to me, I never loved anyone like him before. I hope I can love again, this time, not him but my children-Marvin, Jay Scree, Theevi Sri, Yugen and Brethen (future one, if have. ^^). Maybe my future husband will come after this.
It's like the story I read.
A student asked a teacher, “What is love?” The teacher said, “in order to answer your question, go to the wheat field and choose the biggest wheat and come back. But the rule is: you can pick only once and cannot turn back to pick again.”
The student went to the field, go through the first row, he saw one big wheat, but he wanders….maybe there is a bigger one later. Then he saw another bigger one… but maybe there is an even bigger one waiting for him. Later, when he finished more than half of the wheat field, he started to realize that the wheat is not as big as the previous one he saw, he knew he has missed the biggest one, and he regretted.
So, he ended up going back to the teacher empty handed. The teacher told him, “…this is love… you keep looking for a better one, but when you realized later on, you have already missed the person….”
“What is marriage then?” The student asked.
The teacher said, “in order to answer your question, go to the corn field and choose the biggest corn and come back. But the rule is: you can pick only once and cannot turn back to pick again.”
The student went back to the corn field, this time he is careful not to repeat the previous mistake, when he reached the middle of the field, he picked one medium sized corn that he felt satisfied, and came back to the teacher.
The teacher told him, “this time you bring back a corn…. you look for one that is just nice, and you have faith and believe this is the best one you can get…. this is marriage.”
I guess I looked for the just nice but the just nice just didn't think I was enough.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Life's beautiful.
However, I'm so free now. You all ah, keep disturbing me until my freedom, have to be given to you. Haha..
Today, I watched "Fall For You" and I have a different feelings. Only I understand that giving up on someone is really easy.
Just like last month, Jenny from Hong Kong told me. "Su Ling, it's difficult to build something but it takes one blink to destroy it." It is really true. It doesn't take a year to destroy a building but it takes years to build one. Life.
Life's beautiful from today because money comes, VP comes, happiness comes. ^^
Guess what, I'm talking to Raj again. We're having some activities to do together because I always want to serve in short term and he's going to help me. Hooray! ^^ Thanks, my best friend. ^^
My group is growing too. ^^ LOVE ya ALLL!!!
=?no more ENCHANTED?=
Sunday, February 22, 2009
They said that I'm more calm.
They said that I'm more quiet.
They said that I'm humble.
They said that I'm suspend.
They said that I'm cute.
I went to Muar today and had alot of food. I always wanted to go and finally I'm there, eating. I ate duck rice. I had a little ulcer in the mouth so wasn't really enjoying but I had alot. ^^
Then, I bought alot of food back too. ^^ Ate with Takali, Marvin, Baby and Yugen!!! They're so cute. ^^ Love them so much!!!
I had few appointments only for today but I've earned my living today. ^^
I miss him very much, I have things in mind, I want to tell but I feel that it might confuse him. My friends told me that if I don't tell him, he might hate me more. However, if I tell him the truth and the fact of my worries for the past 2 months, would it make him not hate me?
It's the same in both ways. I guess it's just a confirmation. Nothing matters much now. Money is more important because I may need to support more than one person for the forthcoming one year or maybe 8 months.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I was really tired but have no choice. Still have to work my A_ _ off. Had appointments up to 4am! Then woke up at 10am to drive to KL for HOM. Fortunate have a new success builder and 2 new customer. ^^
It's been great! There's something, bothering me really much. I hope it's what I wish for.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Therefore, I try to look at the possibilities rather than challenges and wow! Everything changed and I've got it great!
Oh my God! It's so cool!
I have some problems now which I can't mention here. I'm afraid I would create panic here. =P
I hope it'll all be through.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I received some too. ^^ It was funny because I told them, received but rejected. Haha.
It's really working on me. I still have 6 days to go. I'll cherish what I can remember now. ^^
Hope a miracle will happen.
Friday, February 13, 2009
I came home, today at 3pm. I was wondering around then I went to my friend's house to sleep. i feel really lost. Even Tom said that, "Su Ling, you're lost."
I'm applying to go for studies this year. I bought my first car, although it's secondhand. I'm buying my first house, it's not confirmed yet because the house is a dream house. I hope I can get the house. I love the house.
I want to have a family. Can anyone give me a family? Please.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I've got compliments and I'm happy about it, just that, that's not the happiness I wanted.
I'm still available on Valentine's.. What to do? I really want to know what to do. I'm still waiting for my dear to ask me out... Please ask me out...
I've got lots of invitations but not yet from my dear...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Life is a Gift
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind.
She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her.
She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.'
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend.
He asked her,'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?'
The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him.
Her boyfriend left her in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear; for before they were yours, they were mine.'
This is how the human brain often works when our status changes.
Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations.
Life Is a Gift
Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak.
Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.
Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to GOD for a companion.
Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who went too early to heaven.
Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who desires children but they're barren.
Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance you drive- Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.
And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job.
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that not one of us is without sin and we all answer to one MAKER.
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down -
Put a smile on your face and thank GOD you're alive and still around.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
When you like someone, you want to be with him always because he brings you happiness; when he leaves you, you will miss him, think of him and you'll smile then carry on with your life thus hoping to see him the next time.
When you love someone, you want to be together with him because that is a feeling that you miss him like crazy, you're afraid he will feel tortured, afraid that he can't take care of himself; when he leaves you, you will miss him too then you would sigh then think, "i guess how he's living now?" Then you would continue with your life but hope that he comes back to you.
In your eyes,the person you like is like an angel, he can do everything, he can always fulfill your willfulness requirements.
In your eyes, the person you love is like a child, you don't hope that he does anything "great", you just tolerate every funny act he does.
You just hope that the person you like will always be beside you, then in your heart, you may think of the person you love;
You hope that the person you love will be beside you, looking at him, sleeping in front of you freely and relaxed, you will smile and feel really happy.
The person you like, hurt you, you will be angry and you want him to make you smile, then you would forgive him;
The person you love hurt you, you would feel sad alone because you're scared that he would scream at you thus frighten him, you can only smile, look into his eyes and once you saw in his eyes, his regrets and feeling sorry, you will want to lie in his arm, at that moment, you feel as though you have the whole world.
You can like more than one at a time, you hope that many can stay together. However, you realize that the person you love is only him. The only one, and it would never change. You thought you have forgotten him, but it's because you're too busy, no time to think of him.
Towards the person you like, you look into his pros;
Towards the person you love, you look into his shortcomings; if those shortcomings are not something to do with principles, in your eyes, they're cute and incomparable.
Like and love, there's no big difference. However, love starts with like.
One day, when you suddenly realize that the person you like is no more perfect, and his imperfection makes you want to stay on with you longer, you'll feel that he's glowing, compared to others. You're more willing to look at his helpless emotions, don't know if it should be congrats because your relationship has just upgrade.
Admiration is not love nor is it like, when you admire someone while you're committed, you would lose peacefulness.
Some people say, when you love someone, it's tiring. It is true, because you want to be taking care of his everything, you want to be responsible for all his problems so that he wouldn't need to face it alone.
The biggest difference between love and like is most probably, when you're with the person you love, you feel like you're home.
I really don't know what I can do. I don't know if I can still get back to my dear. I really miss him very very very very very very very very much. I feel terribly sad but I don't want him to feel sad. I don't know if he have forgiven me but I hope he still loves me.
My dear, I'm sorry couldn't let you stay with me.
Yesterday, a friend told me that to find a person to date, it's because you like that person but for a guy, when makes them stay on with that person, it's their character.
I guess I have to change so that my dear would forgive me and come back to me.
Thanks for those who have scolded me for the past week about my shortcomings. I'll change and change thoroughly.
Dear, please wait for me, give me some time. Remember that you have to marry me 4 years later. Give me time and a chance. Thanks.
I love you.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Dream House

I've been thinking. What would my dream house be?
What is a dream house?
Now, it means a cosy place where me and my dear can feel warm. I just need a small house.
If we have kids, we can get a bigger house but not too big because I don't want to feel cold. ^^
I like the living room. It's awesome.
It's a guesthouse I stayed in KL before. I love it.
What is your dream house?
I really don't have the heart. I want to laugh but the laugh is not from the heart. I really hate myself now. Me, my mouth.
Why didn't I become someone better?
I really don't know who I am. I really don't know why I'm doing what I'm doing. I really don't know anything. What type of dream should I have?
It's like everything is nothing.
I love going for clubs, karaoke now. I don't have other things to do.
Here's my goal, everyday. Have 3 new customers everyday then go and have fun, every night. Cool huh?
I just want to dance it all out. I hope he can be dancing with me one day when we go without letting each other know that we're going. ^^ Will it ever happen?
I just want to marry him. Is it wrong to want to marry the person you love? Yes, I know what I've said have really hurt him but I really didn't mean to hurt him.
Now, he's cooling himself but I don't know if he've forgiven me. I know it's my fault. I'm sorry.
I used to think that our relationship might not last because I might fall in love for another guy and leave him. I thought he was just a replacement. However, every time, he says he wants to leave me, it's like my heart is missing, I could hardly breathe.
Last Saturday, I purposely asked Rami out and see if I would fall in love with him but the fact is that I told him to not touch me because my dear won't like. Immediately, I knew, my dear was not just a replacement. He was the one I want.
I was thinking, being with him, is there only sorrows? Yes. Falling in love with him, I'm filled with sorrow. I can't be with him all the time. Sometimes, I miss him like crazy but I can't tell him because he mind how people look at us. It was sorrowful.
I try my best to think of the things I used to think that he treated me really bad. However, no matter how hard I think now, I can't think of what's the bad thing he had done to me. I was expecting too much.
If I was given another chance, I would never repeat my mistake anymore.
The main thing now is that, can he accept me again?
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Tonight, my dear still never reply me. I guess he is no more angry. (Actually, I hope... ^^)
Last few days, I've completed the download for Bleach 204 for Jerry but I don't dare to tell him because I scared that he will still not reply...
I want to, so much, go and watch "The Wedding Game" with him so I don't dare to go to the Cinema. I don't know if he's happier without me in his life, I don't know if he misses me, I don't know if I still stand a chance to win his heart and the worst part is that I don't know what I can do to win back his heart.
I have a plan for Valentine's too, like him but mine was more naive one, I guess. I still do it although I don't know if I would be around. I want to qualify for Phuket and VIP for extravaganza this month, still have 1 day left to do 10,000 VP.
I hope that when I qualify something, he will forgive me.
I'm really tired now but later still have something to carry on... it's 1.15am now...
Good night, my dear. Kiss on the cheeks, forehead, chin and lips. I love you. Nights.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Fall For You
The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
You're impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you i'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed
But I have loved you from the start
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold onto your words
Cuz talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When you're asleep
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find
This is the song, my dear gave me when we got back together after the first break up. Not only he fall for me again. I did too and it was much more deeper than the first time.
Today, I don't plead for my dear to forgive me but I plead for him to be happy. I know I was terrible, that's why he's so angry. I just hope that he can give me another chance to fall for him and love him again.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Because was drunk yesterday, I vomited half a bucket, purge. Then no more strength and no appetite to eat. Luckily have shakes, if not, definitely will die of no more calories. I lost total of 2kg! Plus was vomiting whole night, I didn't sleep at all. Till now, I've not been sleeping for the pass 48 hours. ^^
Afternoon, have menstruation. This time have cramps because body calories not enough and yesterday took too much alcohol, I guess. The whole person seems drained.
My dear want to break up with me. Yes it hurts but it didn't hurt like before because this is my fault and the alcohol's fault. He don't want to let me see him again.
Yesterday, I could only remember asking him if he doesn't love me anymore because he was yelling at me. My dear is a polite guy, if he yells, means he's very angry. He was very angry with me. I didn't know why.
Today, I finally know. It was because of alcohol, I said alot of wrong things and he wants to leave me. Frankly, until now, I don't know what I've said... T.T (Can anyone tell me the whole story?)
All I know is that he feel humiliated. I just want to make a point here. I really didn't know what I was doing!
Dear, can you please forgive me? I promise you, I will not take any alcohol again. Please...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Yes, what I worried have happened. Everybody was right but me. I have too much faith in him. I thought he would love me like he promised but it was just a nightmare, to him.
No. I am wrong now. I never should have pin-pointed and stretch on his shortcomings and let him feel that I want him to change. In fact, he changed. From the start till now, it was sweet to cold. Good to bad. Great to worst. And I caused it.
My stubbornness, my big mouth. Like what my family said. Even they have give up on me, I should have know that Jerry would give up on me too. It was least expected. I thought I could really hang on to him.
It happened after I was drunk. I didn't even know what I said. Oh my God! It's driving me crazy because Michelle, Jerry and Chee Siong sounded serious but I didn't know what I've said. =.=
All I can do is to pray. He may not know me well enough to really know me. Time will prove it. I vomited the whole night, once I thought of him. Not because he's disgusting. It's because I disgust him. I am disgusting.
What is love? What is future? What is dream? It means nothing to me now. When my 100% is gone, where to get another one. He was the one who gave me the love; he was the one who promised me the future; he was the one who gave me a hope that I can have dreams with him and it's for real.
What am I to live on now?
Monday, January 26, 2009
Yesterday, I went to my dear's house. Well, I hadn't been meeting him for 10 days, I really missed him. However, I didn't want to bother him much because I'm always afraid that he'll get angry. I know it's wrong to think like this but I always have the phobia that he will leave me. I just can't let myself have this chance of letting him leave.
It gets me worried when I read the zodiac thing. He's an ox, I'm a snake. Well, from relationships, we're both bad but some people like my aunt said that ox and snake are perfect match. I don't know if my dear think I'm his perfect match because whenever I see him, it's like he's not smiling much... (I'm afraid he's not happy..)
I read StarMag at his place. I know he loves reading it so I read it too, every week, just to know him more. ^^ When I was reading it, I was thinking to write to Miss Thelma about me and him's problem. However, when I wanted to write, I find that there was no problem. I was thinking too much. ^^ (Don't worry, you'll think too much when you really love that person. ^^)
I'm really excited, every time I know that I would be seeing him later. Just so excited and HAPPY! No matter how tired I was, I would just be awake. ^^ I don't know if he's like that too but I just like to see him as we don't have much time together.
I always hear people talking this and that about relationships but one thing I totally agree is that, "When you're really in love with that person, you'll always feel insecure and feel that that person might leave you."
That's true. I'm always afraid my dear might leave me because I'm not good enough. Last time, I try to be myself in front of him but seems that he wants something else so I try to change some things. At first, I felt that it was difficult and impossible but later on, I find that it was true and it helped me more in my business. Thanks dear. ^^
For all this while, I'm just waiting for 2 things from my dear. First. The time when he prepare to make me, his friend and also his family. Last. The time he can really open his heart to me.
This few days, I've been thinking. What made me fall in love with him? I just remember one thing he said, "when I have a chance to hold this hand, I will never let it go." He held my hand. At that time, I let go his hand because I had a boyfriend but deep down, I really wanted to hold on to his hand. He was the first who kept the promise till now though there was once he wanted to teach me a lesson and asked for breakup. (Please, let that be the first, only and last time. No more!!!!!)
At last, I OFFICIALLY broke up with that guy and got to him. It was not very romantic but it was just the type of feeling I always wanted. For me, I don't wish for an ambitious guy. I just wish for one that will try his best to be there for me, love me, care for me and walk with me. Though, he's not everything I wanted but he's already 75%.
Sometimes, when I post posts here, I'm always afraid he will misunderstood because he always read, assume, then don't ask. =.=''' I just wish we have more time to spend and talk.
Last weekend, we went to Spectacular and we were asked to write down 50 dreams. Then another personal request by Felan himself, another 50. Out of this 100, my dear owns 25% of it and he's in 75% of it... I don't know how to let my dear know, because he mentioned something about me mentioning about myself too much. I'm trying to change that. ^^
Lately, I'm very worried when I talk to my dear. He've been smoking. Frankly, I don't like smokers but it's hard when it comes to my dear. It's ok he wants to smoke but I just want him to be healthy. I don't want to be too bossy and pressure him about smoking so I try not to talk too much about it.
One thing I feel really sad is looking him being thinner each day. I don't know how to talk to him about it. Yes, it will affect my business but that's not the reason. From what I know is that, when one is too thin, he might have pimples problem, hormone imbalance, digestive system problem, heart problem, gastric problem, reproductive system problem. PLUS he is smoking...
I've been thinking. What if he pass on first? It would be really cruel to me because he'll leave me. I can't take it. However, I can't be more unhealthy because it would draw my income down and I couldn't make his dream come true.
Why am I so anxious about his dream? (Although he told me he don't have dream but he didn't realize that he have. I know it's my responsibility to let him discover his extraordinary self. ^^)
When we had dinner with Katherine Yiu and Felan Yu. I talked to Felan. I told him, "Felan, I had a boyfriend that is like the before you but I know that he will be like you now." Felan said that, "I believe you can. If I can do it, he can too." Although someone beside said that my dear would never change but I believe that my dear will.
Before that, what made me wanted to talk to Felan about him? I heard Katherine and Felan's love story. Katherine said that she fight so hard in the Herbalife business was because of Felan. She wants to make his dream come true.
She said that, "Felan is my first boyfriend and first husband (of course she meant "the only one"!) He was the one, I love since I knew him but only when he turn 19, we could be together. In his life, he have only made 2 decisions. The first one, was to propose to me when he was 26 and the second one, was to be a Herbalife Distributor when he turn 30. I want to help him realize his dream because he definitely saw something in it."
Then, Felan said, "She was the one who made my dream come true first. I always wanted her to be my wife and when I proposed to her, she said 'YES'! Now, I will help her with her dream. To have financial freedom and to bring happiness to our parents."
I don't know if I have made Jerry's dream come true but he made my first dream come true. He promised that he would hold my hand forever and he really did, whenever he have a chance to. ^^ The second dream was to have someone like him in my life and fortunately, he was the only one I ever dreamt of. (so no confusions. ^^) I have many many dreams now and he is in all the pictures. My friend told me it's too early to say but i know he is the one I'm looking for. Of course, I have two ultimate dreams. Everybody should knows what they are. I've been talking so much about them. =.='''
I don't know what is his ultimate dream but whatever his dream is, I will try my best to do it. He told me what he car liked and I really tried my best to get one. I want to make his dream come true. I really want to.
Dear, although it's been really tough for us because we're from different backgrounds, different culture, different education and different thoughts but I know that where there is love, nothing is too much trouble and there is always time.
I love you, dear. ^^
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
That day, I sent him an sms asking if we can celebrate Valentine's together earlier because I'm not going to be around during Valentine's Day. But he say, he don't celebrate Valentine's.
He may not know how much it means to me, I guess.
I love receiving gifts, especially flowers and chocolates because I love roses as it means warmth, chocolate means warmth from inside.
Every year, in fact, everyday, I pray that I can have Valentine's everyday.
14/1/09 it's It's Diary Valentine's. I got it.
14/2/09, I'm going to have no Valentines. T.T
To me, every single Valentine's past, it means greater understanding and deeper love. And the celebration means to celebrate our greater understanding and deeper love.
Yesterday, I wanted so much to meet him but he were to rush home and do tarts. I can't be angry, sad or even jealous because I promised him that I won't do that again. Though I was really missing him a lot but I know this is my promise. I just don't want and can't afford to lose him again. I really can't.
I don't even know if I have the right to insist that I want to see him. I always give him a reason to look for me but to him, it was not urgent enough. I guess I don't know how to spread my urgency of wanting to see him.
Although he broke his promises but I will never break mine.
Although he decided to do things his way but I will never if I would hurt him.
Although he seldom try to ask me what I think but I will never miss a chance to know him more.
Although he don't express his love to me but I know I will love him and only him.
Although he doesn't know that I am still thinking a lot but I know I think so much is because I love him and I'm just feeling insecure and afraid to lose him.
Although he don't know how to express him feelings but I know that one day, he will tell me he love me most.
Although I know that me, being successful in this business, may draw us apart but I have no choice because I want to realize his dreams.
Although I know that he may not know and understand why I always act smart in front of him but he don't know that I just want him to be proud of me.
Although I don't know if I'll be the one for him but I know that he is the one for me.
Although I don't know if he loves me anymore but I know that I will love him, no matter what.
I will love him, selflessly, continuously and undemanding.
I will love him every second I have and I can breathe.
I will be there for him when he needs me.
I don't know if he can be there for me when he needs me but I can only say that that's all I can say.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Spectacular Journal! 17-18/2/09
I have learned alot and when I say alot, it really means ALOT!!!
This would be something that's going to drive me somewhere. I know it will.
First Day
It was a fun day of being able to sit near the stage and see everything there that is driving me somewhere. I was in Katherine Yiu and Felan Yu's training. They were school teachers that had a dreams, dreams that wouldn't come true when they had their house on morgage and everything was in instalment. They taught me to be humble, thank your sponsor, be grateful, thankful. Be persistent, consistent and have urgency. I have to make it because it's either I do or die in the biz.
At night, at the cartoon party, I played my role being a cartoon and together we had party, like CRAZEEEESSSSSSSS!! I danced like I never danced and I walked bare footed for 20 minutes with WENDY!! It was a crazy night.
I slept at 4.30am after I completed my 50 reasons to do Herbalife. I did my quota, talk to new people. ^^
Second Day
What happened today was that I went through a training by a distributor that's personally signed up by Mark Hughes himself. He was unbelievable. He was him. I really respected Mark Hughes and now I respect him, admire him and love him. He really have a big heart, like Abdul Baha. Dennis Dowell was the distributor, personally trained and signed by Mark Hughes. He really taught me alot. It was great!
After that, we went shopping. Having legs that was going to break anytime, I was happy because it was a once in a life time experience. Oh ya, it really helped me because I did walk and talk. ERm not really. It's shop and talk. Haha... Eventually, I've got few new numbers. It was great!
In conclusion, I had a great fun. I love Herbalife and I wish Jerry can join me too, one day. ^^
Friday, January 9, 2009
I didn't have my dear beside me, I won't dare to do a permanent one... He's my courage, no him, no courage. Haha...
Anyway, did it because my friend did so we do together. He did a dragon on his right arm (quite cool...) and I did one on my left arm, the other one? Shh... =P
Hope my dear would be happy seeing it.. Haha... Something to do with him.. ^^ (Am I romantic and sweet?)
Well, I just feel that it's crazy because my dear's so busy and I just know how to have fun...
CAnnot! tomorrow must go and help him.!
This month 5000VP to go to Blake's retreat. I'm going to do it again. ^^
How? Plan's in the mind.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Really miss him so much. ^^
I cut my hair and now down to eyebrown and clothing. ^^
Love today. ^^
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
10 Best love sentences
2 ) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.
3 ) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them.
4 ) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile
5 ) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
6 ) Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you.
7 ) Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have.
8 ) Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
9 ) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
I took it from Chen Hong's blog again... ^^
This is touching..
I took it from Chen Hong's blog... ^^
In dictionary, misunderstanding means "misinterpret, misjudge, misread, misconstrue".
Oh my God! Misunderstanding is a great knowledge. Do you know why? I've got into a bad relationship with my family because of misunderstanding and now it's starting to reveal... My family's better to me and thanks to my dear, he always supported me. ^^
I think it's time, us family, talk.
Do you know what's the best way to solve a misunderstanding? TALK!!
However, before that, everyone have to sit down and write down what they don't like about that person then what they like about that person. Tell you a true story.
Last 2 weeks, I told my dear that I want to break up with him and we did. But the very next day, I regretted. I thought in my mind, why I loved him and why I don't now. Then I realized that I was very childish and my dear was very patient with me. He kept telling me but I didn't listen.
Last week, he asked for a breakup. Then I don't understand why. I asked him to write down the what he love about me and what he don't love about me. I don't know if he wrote them down but I did. Again, I realized how bad, harsh and childish I was. That's why he wanted to breakup with me. I realized that I didn't show appreciation towards what he did for me and kept dragging him down. I know it's my fault so I try sms him.
Then I realized there were alot of misunderstandings... Now, it's better. ^^
Communication is equal to no misunderstanding.
However, love stands it all.
Where there is love, nothing is too much trouble and there is always time. ^^
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Oh ya, I've got alot of things going on in MIND. I wanna go and learn dancing, cut my hair, trim eye brown, change style.. Wah... so expensive oh.. But never mind, if I can keep my dear's heart, ok oh... Haha... ^^
Have a nice day. GO GO GO!!!
6/1/09 (1)
Today, my dear still never reply my message. Most probably because he's very busy. It's school reopen and it's going to be CNY, he must be really busy. This scene reminds me of how those previous guys were planning to dump me and never tell me the reason. Just that the difference, I really love my dear and definitely more than I love them. Other than that, he gave me a chance by telling me he wanna chill first.
I slept at 6am and woke up at 11am to clean the house. Now, I'm so tired. Really hope that my dear would suddenly call and talk. I think I'll be crazily happy. Haha. And I'll be energetic again. ^^
I slept at 6am because I was writing what I love and don't love my dear. Then it end up, I definitely love him more that I don't love him. But overall about why I not love him because he don't have enough of self-confidence and confidence towards me. However, the reason I love him is already 3 times more than why I don't love him. I hope he knows...
Monday, January 5, 2009
5/1/09 (2)
Today, I kept holding the phone and didn't know if I should sms or call my dear. He told me he want to chill down and stop sms him yesterday then after that of course better but I'm shy to sms him because I scared he'll get angry. I don't want him to be angry with me anymore. There has been alot of misunderstandings between us. I hope it'll be better in time.
Tomorrow, mom's friends are coming to stay in my house. Later gotta clean the house. Have a list of work to do... Wanna show I really want to live with my family. ^^
I hope that my dear understand that I want to spend more time with him and his family together. I was not angry nor sad. Maybe our time spent together's not much so he didn't understand me but I have faith that we just need more time.
I was wrong for not listening to him. I was wrong for not being able to understand him enough in such a short time and I was wrong for not letting him understand, how much I want him with me. But the biggest mistake I've made was to say break up, one week ago. It really heated things up. He thought I was like his ex.
The last thing I want to be was like his ex. I've really tried my best so that he won't think that I was like his ex but I failed. He still think so. Although I was very hurt when I found out that he was thinking like that but it must be something I do that made him thought so.
I hope he can understand, how much I want to spend my life with him, have a family with him. Of course, I understand what we need to go through and how can things go by not easy for us. I hope that he won't give up on our relationship. I just pray for that.
I don't know what will happen if he really wants to end it. I don't know what to do. I really love him. He want me to let him go. Just like when I asked him to let me go, I think we are now equally hurt. I've been hurting him so much and I didn't realise how bad I was.
I am a bad person. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me and give me a chance to change. I need to be a better person. Although you don't wish to change me because I am who I am but don't you wish that I can be someone better and we can do it together?
Please give me some faith that you do believe it too, even if it's just a little. Please.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Today's a crazy day. Down, really down, sad, ok-ok, happy then super happy. Everything happened in 12 hours. Crazy day.
Today I broke 3 things!
FIRST I broke my glasses. Now I'm on with contact lenses. Yay! First step to changing style... (Already got my personal stylist. haha ^^) Later need to cut hair, buy clothes, shoes, etc.
Money don't come easy!!!! Everything's money money money. Contact lenses RM142; Spectacles RM349. Total Rm491!!! That's what I get from a new Success Builder!!
SECOND I broke my heart. MONEY flew away!!!
THIRD I broke my leg.. Erm, nearly! It was so embarassing.. I was laughing while it was aching... haha... It was funny though... Haha...
Overall, today happy because at last he gave me a hope. ^^ I'm so happy. Promise I'll be a good girl but a pretty one. Haha..
All guys out there, I'm not available!!! =P
Saturday, January 3, 2009
I don't know why, I don't feel easy at all. This 2 days, I had a nightmare. The previous night, I dream of my dear, driving his car away from me and leave me. Yesterday, I just feel so insecure.
I wander in the streets, last night, didn't have anywhere to go. It was a Saturday and I was hoping that I might accidentally meet my dear in town. I was in Jonker, had a little walk and was then in McD. Michelle called and came over to look for me. Because I told them, I don't know what I'm doing, I've been walking to nowhere, wishing my dear would see me.
How stupid I was. I was thick face enough to message him without any reply and still message. I really love him so I don't want to burden his life. If he feels that I burden his life, I'll leave then. However, he just asked to be alone for sometime. I don't know how long it'll take him and what will happen at the end, I really don't know.
Mr R asked me, "what happened between you and Mr J?" "How's things going on?" "Su Ling, What if Mr J decided he don't want to be with you anymore?"
I doubtlessly said, "I don't know." "I don't know." "I don't know." Then I cried and said, "Mr R, I really don't know what to do.I really love him and I know he's good."
Everyone told me to leave him because he's using our love, he's using me, he just want to let go his desire. Hey, cut it off!
I've made up my mind, no matter he decide to stay or leave, I can do nothing.
In this life, we're meant to be matched to 20,000 people at this very moment. However, we would only spend our life with 1. It just depend on who you meet first and who built the relationship and the fate. Love has no wrong because it's a feeling.
We don't know who we'll be together in our lives. However, when the first guy come, and you didn't appreciate him, start to love him thus build a relationship and have enough of fate, it'll be gone.
No one can love each other at the first sight, it about building the relationship slowly up the stairs and have the faith that you're fated thus appreaciate it. In a relationship, nothing work one way. However, being human, we're more likely to be not perfect and start doing mistakes. Then, it's the time, love take place to see how strong can this relationship last.
I don't know if my relationship can last through this test but I know is that I've chosen. It's either him or single till the end. *peace*
Although I read the message only twice, it's already copied into my mind. It's said that since the first time I asked for a break up, his feelings towards me have become cold. It's not sad that I'm feeling, I'm feeling cut into slices and pieces, not just the word PAIN can describe. Why did I call for a break up if I really love him that much? I was dreaming he would at least tell me something he feels but he just said, "ok".
I don't want the feelings to fade, please. I promise I will change but please give me time.
What am I looking for? What am I searching for? All this while, I tell myself, never fall for anyone especially a chinese guy (I had chinese phobia, means I'll feel uneasy being out with chinese or near to one. Sometimes, I'll not know what I'm doing.), but I did. When I did the mistake I thought I shouldn't be doing, I found how attracting he was to me and I decided to try my best to accept his everything though most of the time, things were tough to me.
I don't know how to communicate with chinese, be in their lives, go through their rituals and of course learn to be one. To me chinese are scary, Bahais excluded. I'm not trying to be racist here but please understand where I was and why I had this. I had told no one about this and it've been causing alot of misunderstanding. I'm saying it here in case something happens to me, someone will say something. (It's safe to put datas like this on the internet because it'll never get erased, no matter how many years later..)
He told me he wants to be alone. Is it because he don't want to be with me anymore? I really don't know what to say, everything I say, seems to be something that will cause more misunderstanding. All I know is that I love him from the heart, solely. Never in my life, I have this feeling for anyone, no one.
I know why I love him and I hope he knows why he loved me too. If his love couldn't be bigger than what he's coming through, lets just decide what to do together.
It's been really hard for me to write this post till here. I just can't help thinking of the messages he sent yesterday and it can't stop my tears. Now I understand why one would die for love, it's really the greatest power of the universe.
I hope God will hear my prayers.
Lord I've come to you
Let my heart be changed, renewed
Flowing from the grace
That I've found in you
Lord I've come to know
The weaknesses I see in me
Will be stripped away
With the power of your love
And hold me close
Let your love surround me
And Bring me near
Draw me to your side
And as I wake
I rise up like the eagle
and I will soar with you
Your spirit leads me on, with the power of your Love.
The above was a song taught to me about 2 years ago. When I sang this song, I hoped for love. I thought it came but it's fading away.
Please don't go away...