Thursday, December 25, 2008
However, it appears to be my saddest Christmas in life. I wish for something I never get. Last year, during fireworks, I wished that I would have a husband beside me for Christmas even if it's just walking. This year, I do have one but not beside me. I saw him for 15 minutes. After this I'm going to leave Melaka for 3 days.
Today, I told him I wanted to see him as I'm leaving tomorrow. He said, "I've got friends coming from Singapore, I'll see later." My heart really crushed. I feel really sad. It was because I really wanted to see him.
I'm really afraid things might happen and that I can't get to him when I need him. Sometimes, I just feel like chopping this relationship off. Whenever you feel that you need him, he'll say he have something on. How can I depend on someone that put me at the 2nd place? Like I say, he's everything I've got.
Things between us have been really bad. I want to talk but I want him to learn to take the initiative to start the conversation. Today, I really hate myself. I don't know what I want and what I can do. I feel terribly sad.
I thought my family would like me joining the steamboat but I don't feel it at all. Every time we finally have a chance to get into a same small room, I would start hearing my mom say, "mothers pregnant kids and raised them up but once they grow up, they don't listen.. " Every time, I hear that, I'll cry because it's like it's all my fault that mom's not happy. I feel terrible.
A lot of people ask me, are you your mom's child? I really don't know what to answer because I've got no answer to it. I need someone to talk to, please. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Now is 2.31am and I AM STILL AWAKE!!! I know I should be sleeping now because I should be awake in 3 and a half hour but frankly, not a time I can manage to sleep if it's a day before STS. To me, it's like my wedding day.. HAHA ^^
Dear, another thing I feel really guilty is that some times (okay, it was most of the time, now no more, promised! no more!!!), I feel like leaving you because you seems to not care about me but today when you wake me up. I could really feel your gentleness, love and care. (That's why I'm pleading for no guilt from you!!! Sorry ah...)
Dear, today, you're so cute... I know I tend to be very tough at times to you but it is definitely guaranteed that it's because I want to spend more time with you... (Including the supper oh... I can't eat anymore but I just want to spend some time with you... Miss you very much because you always busy since Chinese New Year is near...)
Dear, I love you... I really don't know what to say...
Tell you one thing for sure, I don't think I will go overseas to study alone because tonight I can't sleep is due to being scared, left alone at home... you ask me not to think so much but when I want to sleep, a lot of sound appear.... HELP!!!!
How can I live[leave?] without you? I want to know.
Will you marry me after I complete our covenant? Afford my own things... Promise?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
No excuse to be successful.
When we ponder into things that we don’t want to do, we often tell ourselves "No time".
When we saw and heard about other people successful stories, relate back about our lack of achievement, we will always find reason to console ourselves "they are just lucky, I am not".
If we want to do something bad enough, we will do it, and do it very well too.
You can either control your mind or let your mind control you.
Things that you love, you always have the time for it.
Every successful person knows exactly what he desired, they know where to search for it, find no excuses, wholeheartedly focus on pursuing it "NO excuses for yourself", for they know whatever they focus is where they go.
A simple sentence, yet is the key to the path of success.
If you are lousy at something, find your weakness, work hard to change it and never look for excuses.
Other than that, the special thing today is that I woke up at 10am and was receiving phone calls. Today, I wanted to talk to dear but he never picks up my call, only reply my sms... *sob sob*
At night, I closed the booth at 10pm then watched a movie entitled "Volcano", which I watched when I was 9, or even younger. I remember it so well because I was so sleepy when I was watching that movie but in order to watch everything, I forced myself to open my eyes. I even set the timer so that the tv will automatically shut down by itself when the movie is over.. Haha..
After the movie ended, it was 11.30pm, I pulled my 20kg bag, carry my 2litre Herbalife bottle with a box hugged and walk back home, rested for 10 minutes then walk out to get the table and chair. I was really scared so I tried to call my dear but he didn't answer the phone then I called another friend, he didn't answer so I called one and my distributor and we talk. When I was back at the shop again, it's already 12am. We talked on the phone until 12.30am then I left with the help of 2 boys carrying my table and chairs. No doubt that I am really tired.
I swear, this type of life without a car would not be long. Now I understand, having a boyfriend is nothing to do with having a better life or a different life because it doesn't make a difference at all when you feel that you're like his sister, when you're not kissing.
What does it mean?
Saturday, December 13, 2008
It's either I sucks as a girlfriend or we both just don't match.
Are we at the progressing level or decreasing level? It feels like we're always too busy to spend time together lately.
However, I understand that you need to earn an income. I just hope what I'm doing is correct.
I feel like breaking up as it feels better not needing to worry about us. The reason is not because I don't love you anymore but because I'm feeling really lonely and insecure at times. It makes me feel really useless.
I'm still very afraid to be in your family because I'm not familiar with them and unfortunately, till now, I was never reassured by you, how I did doing our first meeting. Secondly, lately, you scold me more than you care, it really make me doubt if I should prolong this relationship.
Dear, is it that our time have come to an end? It's like it's so hard for me to talk to you. You never seem to have time for me to talk. How can I even try to talk to you when you don't give me a chance?
I never open the booth for few days because I feel like I've lost myself. It's like I'm turning into someone materialistic and that is the last thing in the world I want to be related to. I don't know what should I do instead of writing here.
I hope you'll have time to read this..
When it feels like breaking...
2. You find yourself looking outside the relationship for comfort, care, and understanding.
3. You can't remember what attracted you to your partner in the first place.
4. There is little or no intimacy in your relationship -- sleeping in different rooms or different beds, lack of interest, anger, and hostility so that intimacy is out of the question.
5. Spending very little time together, friends seem to be more important than your partner.
6. Reactions to situations are disproportionate to the content of the disagreement (i.e., feeling your partner doesn't love you because she/he didn't like the meal you cooked).
7. Feeling helpless and hopeless to change anything. Feeling done with the relationship, but unclear as to where to go and what to do. Feelings of anger, resentment, pain, and desperation are predominant.
If any or all of these describe you in your relationship, your relationship is in trouble and it won't be long before something more drastic happens, such as an affair, arguments get worse and inflate with intensity, increased jealousy, silence for longer periods of time, and sometimes even physical and/or verbal abuse.
Seriously, that's all the above I'm feeling above... Is it a good sign to be able to know it, or not?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Do you know how it feels to be having a rich friend and always worry about being seen as a materialistic girl? I do.
I really don't know how to live a normal life now. I want to help everyone in my life to achieve a better life (both $$ & health, including losing and gaining weight!!) but I don't know why it just seems so hard to fulfill because everyone just think that you would want to cheat their money and make them buy something.
What should I do to let them understand that I really want to help someone?
Please please... Can anyone give me an answer?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Although we don't have much in common but it's first time in my life, I think of crap. It's not that I'm saying he's not good. Just that he let me see the true me. Unlike other guys, they just say, "you sucks, break up!" Then the next thing I knew, we broke up and I was dumped.
The worst thing about a relationship is not about being dumped but it's about the progress in the relationship. To me, the relationship I always wanted was the type of relationship that was natural. I 'm really grateful that God had sent him to me. Never I thought that he would come in that way.
He came the way I pleaded for him to come. Just as patient as I wished. I know my cruel, stupid and idiotic moves drives him crazy but I just enjoy seeing him crazy over me, at the same time still love me. I know he won't leave me because he loves me as much.
Many times in life, I wonder if I can really stick to someone like how I stick to him but he's rather different. Even though he is one of his kind, he can just get my heart easily. A single laugh or cry would just go through my heart. I enjoy seeing his smiles because they are the wonders of the world.
Sometimes, the naughty me would try everything just to see him let go his temper but I just want to get a chance to make you feel relieved when I call you "Hubbie". You do know right, how much I love you?
Sometimes, even though I write something that hurts you the most in the world by questioning you but it would never hurt you more than it hurts me because I know that I'm hurting you badly. I just want to let you know that no matter how thing hurts, we have to face it and you've got me to face it with you. ^^
Sometimes, I make you wait. I love knowing you'll wait, like you're always mine and only mine. I see those eyes my neighbours have on you, those envious eyes because they know I've got you, the best person in the world for me.
Sometimes, I refuse to bathe even when I know that we're rushing for time and it's a very important appointment. You'll get even nervous than me. The reason I'm doing this is to be able to see the nervous and caring face God had prepared for me...
Sometimes, I maybe talking too much even if it's the middle of the night but I just don't want to hang up so that I can spend more time with you even though I thoroughly understand that it's bad for our healths and our career. You just make me can't stand the separation, you know?
Sometimes, when you refuse to talk to me because I refused to talk to you first. It really hurts but I tell myself that I can't cry because you'll be blaming yourself and feeling really sad. I understand my moodiness but what can I do when I face you? You're just different.
When I lay in your arm, I know you'll protect me.
When I hold your hand, I know you won't let me go.
When I see your eyes, I see only me.
When I make fun of you, I see your contented, fooled smile which is rather cute.
When I pay for you, I know you're sad because you wanted to be the gentleman but poor you, as I want to be a lady too.
When I cry in your arms, I know it's you that will comfort me even though it's very funny when I wonder what you were trying to do.
When we have a big fight, though it's not even more than 1 minute, I can't stand it because you'll cry like a baby. I love it the most when it ends, you'll hug me so tightly like you're afraid I'll speed like a road runner.
You are really cute when you send those messages thinking that I would be really sad and blaming myself because my family left for a trip without me. You are really caring as you are and I thank God for giving me you. I love you. ^^
Dear, I really hope you ACCIDENTALLY read it...
Monday, August 18, 2008
In HFL means no friends out of HFL?
Someone asked me, "did you realize that you have only Herbalife friends?"
I said, "NO!" It's because it's not true. I have lots of friends who're not in HErbalife.
"Do you talk to all of your friends about HErbalife?"
"Well YES! When they ask." after all, being a Herbalife distributor is just about getting yourself sharing about one of the best thing on earth with your loved ones. Just that it's a job and I get paid for it. PAid for talking, not bad. After all, I love talking. ^^
Does all my friends have to be in HErbalife to be my friends? No. I just want to share it with them. Of course I hope they are in Herbalife but if they don't want to, I can do nothing.
We're decision makers not dogs.
We don't obey to orders but listen to our hearts.
WE're teacheable and enthusiatic learners, not just a crap leader.
We're just doing what we know could contribute to help making the world a better place.
Hold on. That's the point. Making the world a better place, isn't it what BAHAIs are promoting. Does it mean that all Bahais need to be doing HErbalife? Not neccessarily but we may.
Being a Bahai, it doesn't mean that we're simply the best. We still need to be teacheable and willing to learn. Being a Bahai is simple and Herbalife is just my job.
I don't know why people like to take Herbalife so personally and didn't disclose the reason of being simply what they DECLARED to be LOGICAL?!
To be logic here, it's just a job like I'm in KFC. Don't get it?
Monday, August 11, 2008
Unity & Me
What does it take to be a Bahai? First, you agree that Baha'u'llah is the Manifestation of Today; Second, you live according to the Bahai teachings, live up to the virtues and spirituality.
Everyone has their own lives. Do you agree?
I have to live my life. I wanna further my studies but I can't as I don't have money and I want to study. Do I have another choice?
Sometimes, I'm just so push down. I don't know what can I do and what should I do. Questions to pull myself down again? No, it is to bring me up.
Sometimes, writing things I feel in the blog, would cause people result in thinking this and that, talking that and this. No one seems to understand me. I just feel like hiding anywhere but stay here.
I may seems to be egocentric as you said but I am who I am. I don't need a lecture, for God's sake. I need no problems but a solution. If you're not going to give me a solution, stay out of my way. My problems are enough.
I may seems not to be teaching in the path but I feel that I am. My thoughts may somehow be affected by people's. However, if it's good, it's ok, right?
I was scolded for trying to drag someone into the Herbalife business which he IS already in. One thing I wanna make it clear, I'm and I will do only what I am supposed to be doing. Get it?
We always talk about entry by troops but what can we do if we don't move it? How do you move it?
What's so good about Herbalife? When you win a heart, will it still be the same? I don't get it!
Look here, I've got my life and my thoughts. I may seems to be egocentric, hot-headed or whatever you say but I know what I want to do.
Please investigate before you open that damn stupid mouth.
Regarding Bahai Faith, go to
Regarding my work in Herbalife, go to
Regarding me, email to
Regarding contacting me, call 0146366145.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Weird Princess 3
In the middle of the journey, she came by Independ Prince who was the best friend of Cool Prince whereby she spent a few days with him happily. However, the journey have to be continued as the destiny has been decided.
Weird Princess were to accomplished the mission set by the fairy mother which she were given only the last 4 days to reach. She've got no choice but to take care of the mission thus leave the IndependPrince.
No one knew if she was destined to meet Independ Prince but she knew if it's fated, it's fate.
She could only concentrate on her mission as it was a difficult task. Let's pray for her!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Weird Princess 2
Weird Princess were made a betrayer by Piggy Princess. She was called to be a betrayer for not listening to Queen Lotus, their mother.
Queen Lotus were against Weird Princess's decision to be independent as she didn't do it the queen's way. It was an unfair issue as there were never a chance to defend nor consult for.
Neither the first nor second princess, namely, "Fatty Princess" and "Darken Princess", supported her nor encouraged her.
Weird Princess were questioned about her decision to not to obey their mother and was said to be a traitor. However, never one considered what she had done to let them understand what she was up to.
"Will they know?", that's always the question that comes to mind when she decides to do something.
"Will they agree and support me starting from today?", that's always the question that pop up when she knows that she's doing another correct thing to make the world a better place.
"Why is everyone's world getting better but mine?", that's always the no answer question.
Life, is it really meant to be like that?
When would the prince come to save the enchanted Weird Princess from her palace? Is there someone to be her guard for the rest of her life? Would that person support her like she wanted?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Weird Princess 1
Always bearing someone in the mind, she knew it sounded normal but if every time, you're bearing a different person, it's kinda weird.
Well, what's the same and different issue? The same issue is that thinking of someone all the time and the difference is that she thought of the same person most of the times.
She gone through his photos earlier, causing her to feel that she would never be able to get to him, to far, it seems. He always makes her felt that he wants her but he seems to don't like her or love her just as much, it's the uncertainty that's causing the heart to be confused at times.
Looking through his photos, she saw his happiness and joyfulness. Probably, all he needed was just to have fun with her and always bearing a princess to be after a prince like him.
"Was a princess played off by a prince?", that's always the question in mind.
Having intruders in her heart, all she could do is to work more and to make sure that she could do everything else better and get herself more busy with tasks- getting him out of the shadow.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The True Happiness...
Lately, I realized that I was wrong, after 15 relationships which was also an uncertain number...
Being able to show people love rather than to be loved is really something better.
Being worried over other people rather than being worried of is really better.
Being helpful and could really help now is better than everything.
Being unsuccessful and now given to chance to be successful is the best thing of all.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
To be able to look at different kinds of people and to know what to be done to deal with them is what I want. I hope that I can really cope up to it soon.
Looking at people you once really respect and listen but later found out that they were just people who wants to put your life into more trouble, you'll really doubt whether to thank them or scold them. Frankly, I want to thank them for helping me to grow and see more.
You get what I mean? Heart is the hardest thing to deal on earth and once you hurt it, it's a no return but if I could? It means, I am someone whom is willing to change for the better? I don't know, I feel so. Haha.. ^^
Deal with the irresistible and you'll learn to be the irresistible. Cool? Be happy.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Helping others...
Herbalife, what differs it from other brand? It's branded in food nutrition. However, it could not be sold in Hypermarket or supermarket as we need coaches to coach people to eat the food. The coaches are what we call "salesperson".
Yes, we can say that it's a direct selling company but the difference is that the products could really help people.
All the direct selling companies out there, can you guarantee people's health with a 30 days moneyback guarantee? Herbalife can.
I've helped people who're willing to help themselves. People on wheel chair for 5 years due to stroke, being able to walk after taking the products for not even a month; people with menstruation problem, having on and off problem, recovered completely; people with years of suffering from migraine and gastric problems like me, have abandoned the problems and is now very happy as it really helped.
Why Herbalife helped? It gives us the balanced nutrition.
Why balanced nutrition helps? We're sick and having all sicknesses as we're lack of certain nutrition.
Why suffer when there is something that can help you relieve?
You see, whenever I talk to people about health products, they'll get the concept of direct sales. I'm fine with it because health is yours and if I could be given the chance to help those who are willing to help, I'll be delighted.
Come on people, cherish your life and your health! Get a balanced nutrition!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Discouraged but keen!!!
I'm glad that I chose to be into Herbalife. It helped so many people I've known. People with stroke, getting better everytime I see him; people with financial and health problem, getting both equally improved; people with health problem, helping people with health problem after they're got the results.
Isn't it good for seeing everyone helping one another. Isn't the world supposed to be like that? I'm so happy. ^^
Let us all move the world and work hard! Make the world healthier with a tiny help and we'll succeed. Youths can move the world!!!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
Happy!!!! ^^
I just want my business to be of people with stories and happiness, nothing else is more important.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
We could see confirmation as being stubborn or being disobedient; however, we could see it as being steadfast or determined in an issue.
Life is really cool as you're always given the freewill.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
A Bahai?!
Sometimes, something in this life, we can't just solve it the Bahai way. Sometimes, some people, we just can't treat them the way Bahais treat each other, being patient, warm, friendly and tolerate, isn't enough.
I will always tolerate but not this time. I have anger too, although I'm a Bahai. It's at the peak where it need to blow up.
Please don't try to control me and talk to me like I'm a child ok? How many times you want me to remind you, I'm 19? Not to ask you to treat me as an adult but please don't treat me as a kid, I'm no more a kid.
Where's my children class teacher, animator and my tutor when I need you? You've all become another person that played another role. I'm still waiting......
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Exclaimation Mark!!!!!!

Don't really know how to express myself. Keep telling myself, "it's ok." seems to be not enough.
People don't understand you, question you, wants you to answer questions which no matter what you answer, they can never get it. I was told, "different level of thinking caused it."
"Soon they'll understand, you have a bigger mind." Do I? Where?
"I understand how you feel, when I was in my home place, things were like that too. People don't understand what I meant but now I know that we are equal but what we choose make us who both of us are, today." That's what relieved me, at least someone knows and understands.
"You're really naive. That's impossible." How do we know what will happen if we never started?
"I told you this, I told you that, why you never listen?" Even detective and lawyers need evidence in their cases, where's yours? Experience could tell but when did you experience it? By hearing what people say and look at me as though I'm not your blood?
"You don't understand me." Just because we don't think alike, does it mean that I don't understand you? Maybe I understand you more than yourself.
"We are in a different dimension." That's what I said but what does dimension mean? It means the maturity gape that's causing us not to understand each other.
"When we were in love then we were in one dimension?" No, I tried to be in it but I found that I was losing myself. What's the point in loving you and I am not me anymore? Before we were together, you could tell me anything but after we were, nothing were told and all were well kept secrets. Does love need to be like that? How much I love you, I need to tell you?
"What is love?" Read my post last week entitled "Love". It seems to be deep for many people but for me, station of love for everyone should be the same. Why must we look at love and categorize our love? There's love and only love to be known.
"Why you like this? Why you like that?" Many times, we point our fingers at others but we didn't notice that 4 fingers were pointing at ourselves. I didn't say anything when you ask why as there were no need to explain if it would just end up as me having a bigger mind or should I say brain?
There is no such thing as Playboy!!!!!!!!!
Translated from Lucas’s blog…
A bad man used to be a good man.
A good man becomes a bad man after many unwanted tragic.
What’s the definition of a good man?
What’s the definition of a bad man?
You’ll know, that man’s not bad at all.
Before ten, he knows nothing, end of story here.
When he’s 13 or 14, he starts to be interested with girls but he’s always far from them with the excuse of hating them. The true reason was he was scared of being laughed
When he’s 15, he heard adults talking about ROMEO that dumped his girlfriend and she committed suicide. He thinks that he’s very vicious, he told himself to love only A girl in his life.
When he’s 16, he falls in love with a girl but he never told her. He was as usual, playing soccer of the field. When she walks to the school gate, he’ll stand by the second floor window and watch her. Feel that she’s an angel.
When he’s 17, a girl falls in love with him but they were far apart. The girl wanted him to have only her in his heart and looking at other girls is considered betraying.
When he’s 18, he watched a MTV, he cried as was touched. He thought, if his girl lost her eyes, he’ll not be hesitated to give her his eyes so that she could see.
When he’s 19, it his exam year. He had to be away from the girl he had unrequited love, on a train to other school. He felt being farer to her, losing his mind. He thought he would not forget her and he’ll look for her when he succeeded in life.
When he’s 20, he heard a guy talking dirty jokes; he thinks that he disgusts him.
When he’ 21, her letter in reply told him that she had a boyfriend. He cried for a night.
When he’s 22, he proposed to a girl. She said, “You’re a good person but I’m still young”. He agreed that he’s a good person and told her, “it’s ok. I can wait for you.” I’ll not be a ROMEO, I’ll wait no matter how long it takes.
When he’s 23, he found out that the girl was committed to a good looking guy. He was miserable, he never knew that growing old would be that fast.
When he’s 24, he proposed to another girl. She said, “You’re a good person but I’m not suitable for you.” He was miserable, if he’s a good person why doesn’t she suite him?
When he’s 25, he proposed to another girl. Apparently, she accepted him. He started to strive for future. He bears in mind that happiness is temporary but as long as he strives, they’ll have a happy future. However, 6 months later, they broke up because another guy could make her laugh. She said, “You’re a good person, it’s my fault.”
At last! He understand what his problem is—he’s a good person!
When he’s 26, he started to post cool outfit and learn to attract girls with his words. Later, he had a girl friend. Although he treat he well but he know he don’t love her.
When he’s 27, he broke up with the girl. He told the girl, “ You’re a good girl, it’s my fault.”
When he’s 28, he experienced ‘one night stand’, he realized what others can do, he could do too.
When he’s 29, he learned to say dirty jokes and when the girls beside blush, he’ll feel entertained.
When he’s 30, he realized that he suddenly can tackle girls well but he don’t have the ability to love anymore.
Actually, every boy apparently wants to be a guy with only a girl in a life time.
Actually, every boy apparently doesn’t look at girls’ shape but their face.
Actually, every boy apparently doesn’t say dirty jokes initially.
Actually, every boy apparently desires to love one till the end.
But, no girls like such a guy. They think guys of such a type are childish, boring.
That’s why; guys start to change, to ROMEO type.
They learn to say kind words which are not from their hearts.
They learn to pretend being concern, learn to give girls adorning, learn to tackle them, and learn to handle love.
They might become ROMEO which the girls hate.
They could easily win the girls heart but take could be alone, smoking in the dark, crying at night.
When there’s love, there’s no girl.; when there’s girl, there’s no more love!
When man hears woman saying that there’s not a single good guy, they’ll not try to be a good man, they’ll just be contented.
When someone that seems to be not knowing about love
Maybe life’s boring maybe he’s not speaking sweet
Maybe nagging a lot Maybe not good looking
Maybe being stubborn in his love life
Towards man who are devastated in love
Please DO NOT hurt them
Please DO NOT complain that all the good guys are missing
Because you don’t appreciate them when they appear…
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
100 Things girls have to know about guys
2. Guys hate flirts.
3. A guy can like you for a minute, and then forget you afterwards.
4. When a guy says he doesn't understand you, it simply means you're not thinking the way he is.
5. "Are you doing something?" or "Have you eaten already?" are the first usual questions a guy asks on the phone just to get out from stammering.
6. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
7. When a guy really likes you, he'll disregard all your bad characteristics.
8. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
9. Guys will do anything just to get the girl's attention.
10. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend.
11. When guys want to meet your parents. Let them.
12. Guys want to tell you many things but they can't. And they sure have one habit to gain courage and spirit to tell you many things and it is drinking!
13. Guys cry!!!
14. Don't provoke the guy to heat up. Believe me. He will.
15. Guys can never dream and hope too much.
16. Guys usually try hard to get the girl who has dumped them, and this makes it harder for them to accept their defeat.
17. When you touch a guy's heart, there's no turning back.
18. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...never mind!" would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking.
19. Guys go crazy when girls touch their hands.
20. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.
21. When a guy makes a prolonged "umm" or makes any excuses when you're asking him to do you a favor, he's actually saying that he doesn't like you and he can't lay down the card for you.
22. When a girl says "no", a guy hears it as "try again tomorrow."
23. You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the message clearly.
24. Guys hate gays!
25. Guys love their moms.
26. A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.
27. A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn't mean that the guy likes her.
28 You can never understand him unless you listen to him.
29. If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.
30. Beware. Guys can make gossips scatter through half of the face of the earth faster than girls can.
31. Like Eve, girls are guys’ weaknesses.
32. Guys are very open about themselves.
33. It's good to test a guy first before you believe him. But don't let him wait that long.
34. No guy is bad when he is courting
35. Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.
36. Guys really admire girls that they like even if they're not that much pretty.
37. Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.
38. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
39. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
40. A guy finds ways to keep you off from linking with someone else.
41. Guys love girls with brains more than girls in miniskirts.
42. Guys try to find the stuffed toy a girl wants but would unluckily get the wrong one.
43. Guys virtually brag about anything.
44. Guys cannot keep secrets that girls tell them.
45. Guys think too much.
46. Guys' fantasies are unlimited.
47. Girls' height doesn't really matter to a guy but her weight does!
48. Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!!!
49. When a girl makes the boy suffer during courtship, it would be hard for him to let go of that girl.
50. It's not easy for a guy to let go of his girlfriend after they broke up especially when they've been together for 3 years or more.
51. You have to tell a guy what you really want before getting involved with that guy.
52. A guy has to experience rejection, because if he's too-good-never-been-busted, never been
in love and hurt, he won't be matured and grow up.
53. When an unlikable circumstance comes, guys blame themselves a lot more than girls do. They could even hurt themselves physically.
54. Guys have strong passion to change but have weak will power.
55. Guys are tigers in their peer groups but become tamed pussycats with their girlfriends.
56. When a guy pretends to be calm, check if he's sweating. You'll probably see that he is nervous.
57. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl. He really is.
58. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me"
59. Guys don't really have final decisions.
60. When a guy loves you, bring out the best in him.
61. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him.
62. If a guy has been kept shut or silent, say something.
63. Guys believe that there's no such thing as love at first sight, but court the girls anyway and then realize at the end that he is wrong.
64. Guys like femininity not feebleness.
65. Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.
66. A guy may instantly know if the girl likes him but can never be sure unless the girl tells him.
67. A guy would waste his time over video games and basketball, the way a girl would do over her romance novels and make-ups.
68. Guys love girls who can cook or bake.
69. Guys like girls who are like their moms. No kidding!
70. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.
71. A guy's friend knows everything about him. Use this to your advantage.
72. Don't be a snob. Guys may easily give up on the first sign of rejection.
73. Don't be biased. Try loving a guy without prejudice and you'll be surprised.
74. Girls who bathe in their eau de perfumes do more repelling than attracting guys.
75. Guys are more talkative than girls are especially when the topic is about girls.
76. Guys don't comprehend the statement "Get lost" too well.
77. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions but still love them more.
78. When a guy gives a crooked or pretentious grin at your jokes, he finds them offending and
he just tried to be polite.
79. Guys don't care about how shiny their shoes are unlike girls.
80. Guys tend to generalize about girls but once they get to know them,they'll realize they're wrong.
81. Any guy can handle his problems all by his own. He's just too stubborn to deal with it.
82. Guys find it so objectionable when a girl swears.
83. Guys' weakest point is at the knee.
84. When a problem arises, a guy usually keeps himself cool but is already thinking of a way out.
85. When a guy is conscious of his looks, it shows he is not good at fixing things.
86. When a guy looks at you, either he's amazed of you or he's criticizing you.
87. When you catch him cheating on you and he asks for a second chance, give it to him. But when you catch him again and he asks for another chance, ignore him.
88. If a guy lets you go, he really loves you.
89. If you have a boyfriend, and your boy best friend always glances at you and it obviously shows that he is jealous whenever you're with your boyfriend, all I can say is your boy best friend loves you more than your boyfriend does.
90. Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and take as their basis of experience.
91. You can tell if a guy is really hurt or in pain when he cries in front of you!
92. If a guy suddenly asks you for a date, ask him first why.
93. When a guy says he can't sleep if he doesn't hear your voice even just for one night, hang up. He also tells that to another girl. He only flatters you and sometimes makes fun of you.
94. You can truly say that a guy has good intentions if you see him praying sometimes.
95. Guys seek for advice not from a guy but from a girl.
96. Girls are allowed to touch boys' things. Not their hair!
97. If a guy says you're beautiful, that guy likes you.
98. Guys hate girls who overreact.
99. Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.
100. If you love them, don't flirt or talk about other boys, they'll get devastated.
(Selected from a bulletin and edited)
The Perfect Boyfriend~~
• give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.
• leave her cute text notes.
• kiss her in front of your friends.
• tell her she is gorgeous..
• look into her eyes when you talk to her.
• let her mess with your hair
• touch her hair.
• just walk around with her.
• look at her like she`s the only one you see.
• tickle her even when she says stop.
• hold her hand when you`re around your friends.
• when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.
• let her fall asleep in your arms..
• get her mad, then kiss her.
• tease her and let her tease you back.
• stay up all night with her when she`s sick.
• watch her favorite movie with her.
• kiss her forehead.
• give her the world.
• write her letters.
• let her wear your clothes.
• when she`s sad, hang out with her.
• let her know she`s important.
• let her take all the photos she wants of you.
• kiss her in the pouring rain.
• when you fall in love with her, tell her.
• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before.
How cool if my boyfriend could do all the above. ^^
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
31 days
Where's the prince in the cloud? Where is the love hiding? Where's the promises made? Was it after all, my fault?
Question me, condemn me; why not try to give me a smile and encourage me to move on? May I know where is the support?
Life is really hell when you're away from the person you love and the worst part is that you don't know for what reason thus there's no more stimulant for you to move on.
Tell me, how to carry on?
What's the meaning of life, moving on for others without a reason?
Enchanted Princess Tale of Birthday..
Princess tale of birthday is that the 3 wishes if were wished upon the princess and were requested, under any circumstances, princess will fulfill it for sure.
Princess have her own wishes too but the prince must strive to find out in order to fulfill it. Of course in 21th century, we talk about "consultation" but basically the wishes are still useful as there's something call the "mind-reading" ability which is because the connectivity of the two different souls. The connectivity is based on love.
Therefore, if you love someone, use action. Princess used to speak but act slow and she had to suffer being away from her loved one. In the name of love, please don't follow the steps of princess, she is enchanted because she caused it but trust me, princess is trying everything to improve the situation.
Fingers crossed,
prayers read,
all you here,
thank you were!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
However bad I am, I'm trying to change the situation. I'm sorry that I can't explain to everyone about everything in my life but I'm really trying to improve it. Just pray for me so that it would be better ok?
Just wanna strive and be the best I could for everyone, give me a chance and time to change, please. Princess wanna have transformation!!!
Sense of Mission..
It means knowing what to do and to be accomplished in life.
Lately, I've lost my sense of mission because I lost the faith in me. What can Princess do when she lost her confidence?
Losing confidence in a person is like losing the sense of mission and the meaning of life because I don't know what else to do anymore, searching for something to do everyday.
Teaching the Cause using my money, is it not good? I just wanna serve people as I was served in school and sponsored for my studies. Just because I don't explain, does it mean that I'm insane?
I feel terribly tired.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Happy Birthday to you!!! (25/3/92)
How does it feel being lost? For me, not knowing what decision to do when it happens and only got the conclusion that it's my fault. I'm really afraid to make decisions, can anyone just cure me or help me? What had happened to the Enchanted Princess?
I know it's my fault but how to identify and make a right decision? Can you tell me?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Why am I so lazy? Why?
Everything happened this way was because I am a creepy freak that is faking and forsaking is it? I can just say that I'm sorry but I'm really trying to improve myself.
This few days might be kinda lost so if I'm not paying attention to what I'm doing, please remind me. I apologize if I'm gonna do or had done anything that might or had caused inconveniences or hurt anyone; I might be 99% insane when I do so, please help me by telling me the truth.
Monday, March 17, 2008
"If I love you, I need not continually speak of my love-you will know without any words. "On the other hand if I love you not, that also will you know-and you would not believe me, were I to tell you in a thousand words, that I loved you." -Abdul Baha-
Love is not simply some abtract principle that one talks about. It is real and it is directed towards something or someone. And when love is a reality, when one truly loves another, a bond is created between the hearts through which noble feelings and lofty ideas can flow. One soul can uplift the other, and joy fills them both.
Mirza Abu'l Fadl, a Bahai teacher in whom Abdul Baha placed the greatest trust, once analyzed the concept of love for humanity in a talk given to a group of friends. He explained how easy it is for any one of us to sit comfortably in a house with a nice garden and say "I love humanity". But, according to Mirza Abu'l Fadl, love only becomes real when it is tested. Only when we have fought the battles of love and have time and again been wounded for the sake of love, can we utter the sentence "I love" with authority and assurance. So he said, a person who wants to create love within himself must test himself and see if he meets all the conditions of true love.
What are some of these conditions? Clearly they include sincerity and truthfulness, generosity and liberality, forgiveness and trustworthiness. You can readily see that these are necessary for love to exist. For what is insincere love but hypocrisy? What is the outcome of love when it is ruled by jealousy and control, and not by open-heartedness and generosity? What kind of love is associated with vengeace rather than forgiveness? How can anyone trust in our love, if we are not trustworthy?
You see, I've got this short essay for book 6 but I didn't know about the meaning of love and why I was determined to confirm my feelings until I see this and understand.
Finally, I see what I was crying, why I was sad, why I was determined to carry on and be patient no matter how much time it takes thus it should be boundless, limitless.
"When you love a member of your family or a compatriot, let it be with a ray of Infinite Love! Let it be in God, and for God! Wherever you find the attributes of God love that person, whether he be your family or another. Shed the light of boundless love on every human being whom you meet......"
-Abdul Baha-
From here, I know, steadfastness and patience thus the wound was worth it because I can now say "I love" with authority and assurance. Life is really beautiful though it's full of tests. Smile because you're given the change to grow better. ^^
All the above was what I've learned in Ruhi book 6 yesterday. ^^
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Take care who Loves you - nice
girl and her father were crossing a bridge. Father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter, "Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river."
Little girl said, "No, Dad. You hold my hand." "What's the difference?" Asked the puzzled father.
"There's a big difference," replied the little girl.
"If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go."
Any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. Hold the hand of the person who loves you rather than expecting them to hold yours...
This story is too short...... But carries a lot of Feelings....
Love 'em!!!!
First of all, my "sayangs" really missed me very much and nearly gone crazy when they see me.. Screaming their throat out... Haha... (Seriously, cute... ^_^)
Secondly, the dance was re-choreographed!! Luckily I came back, learned and tried my new costume... I've been dancing indian dance for 5 years, now switch to malay dance... haiz... quite weird...
Thirdly, my little god-daughter and her brother, came over to my house kept telling me stories about their lives this two days... Erm, actually I've just seen them 36 hours ago but they appear to be going through alot... A 2-year-old and a 3-year-old sat by my side, telling me stories in turn as though they were my kids then was shivering of fear and asking for protection....
Finally, I came to knew that they were frighten by their mentor that kept telling them that a police will catch them if they don't sleep. Basically, in their mind, they bore the mindset that when there's darkness, there's police that catches kids that don't sleep...
Well, I just wanna say a thing.
For parents that come across my blog, I hope that when you educate your kids, you'll explain to them the reason of you wanting them to do each thing, lovingly. You may put them on your legs, hug them, tell them you love them, kiss them then tell them the reason you want them to do what you wish. They'll understand and they'll grow matured early.
Although I'm just 19 but I've been through life for years. For me, a day is like a year as every single minute, I'm striving to be someone better so that I can educate my kids in the future and help as many people as I can.
I'm actually a person that really wanna help people but to many, I appear to be over-dominion. I just like to take care of people, maybe over-protected... Haiz... Forgetten about that...
Hope that I'll improve myself soon.
God Bless everyone...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I understand how much I lied to myself till last year, when I started to serve. I strive to be a true Bahai, living in accordance to the Bahai Standard. People thought I was a freak and it's ok because we see things different level. Other than that, it's like everything is just meant to be the way it had been because I choose it to be.
Today, I've decided to be just friends with him; if that's what he wanted. We should show loving kindness to all who may cross our path and he is one of them. Why can't we be just friends? People always say it and it's easy to say.
It's definitely hard to let deeds not words be our adorning but I'm striving for letting deeds to be my adorning. I hope I succeed.
I was really bad in loving someone, that's why my mist wasn't solved. I hope I can love everyone the same way and be who I am meant to me. If I do anything I'm not supposed to, please remind me and tell me. Thanks!!! ^^
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Please unreaveal my mist...
I feel really insecure, like someone is plotting something against me but I'm in the bright, that person in the dark. If there's anything, why can't we just spit it out?
STupid! I hate this feeling. I'm really a truth seeker, I'm afraid that this time, I'll tend to hurt someone, just to find the truth.
Choices are damn stupid because I'm at the road not taken.
Just feel like slapping myself to wake myself up from the dream.
I dreamed of him every night but that's just a dream.
I thought being a princess, people will take care of you but it seems that for Enchanted Princess, it's a never for protection, never for answers, never for love, never for much truth!!
I'm really enchanted but if you think you can break the spell, please don't give me white lie and promises because they'll just crush me harder. I hate being given hopes then were to be smashed and slashed. What's the purpose? Revenging for someone?
Hopeless for love, I hope for humanity being freed from poverty and hunger; I long ro helping people to gain and maintain physical and spiritual balance.
Just hope that, whatever I do, relationships will just fade away. SO MUCH FOR MY HAPPY ENDING!!!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Too many questions nowadays, too little answers. My weight's dropping, shape's gaining, I feel happy but I feel angry with myself as I just couldn't get those answers.
Why can't life be just simple and on the basics? It just need to be our heart in it.
I've put my heart, soul and life in, what about you?
Sunday, March 9, 2008
What is "gifted"?
I remember a very successful scientist saying that he wasn't a genius, he was just someone who worked really hard to be who he want and what he was meant to be. Sometimes, as a human, we always forget what we're meant for while some don't even know the reason.
Firstly, why were we created? Have you ever ponder about that in your day dreaming period? Well, I seems to have the correct answer but it's not from me, it's from the words of God. We are created to know God and to worship God. I may sound holy but it's true.
Back to the topic, what is "gifted"? Is it what we are created to do or what we strive to do? Wanna have a guess first?
It's actually how much you tend to strive. For me, I can sing well now not because I'm gifted but I strive to learn to empower singing skills. All who grew up with me knew how bad my singing was 2 years ago, it make people wanna run and hide but now?
Another good exampler is Akrit Singh, the seven year old genius. He's not a born genius. He's just focus on what he tend to do and deepen as much as he can, in his field of interest - medical.
Anyone could be a genius but it's up to how much we strive to be deepen in our field of interest. I'm always learning but I have high expectations on myself. I know I can do it. It's just a matter of time.
Now, I'm giving myself 1 and a half year to achieve my personal dream then proceed to my ambition.
Life is beautiful when we understand that we're like a never ending growing rose as our thorns and buds grow together as if our talents and difficulties.
Cherish your life while you can now and be happy because life is just it's meant to be and everyone is gifted and geniuses in a way. Strive till the end!!
May God Bless you always.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
gaLz lanGuaGe
When i dont call you
[ Its because im waiting for you tocall me ]
When i walk away from you mad
[ Follow me ]
When i stare at your mouth
[ Kiss me ]
When i push you or hit you
[ Grab me and dont let go ]
When i start cursing at you
[ Kiss me and tell me you love me]
When im quiet
[ Ask me whats wrong/Or mess with me. ]
When i ignore you
[ Give me your attention ]
When i pull away
[ Pull me back ]
When you see me at my worst
[ Tell me im beautiful ]
When you see me start crying
[ Hold me and tell me everything willbe alright ]
When you see me walking
[ Sneak up and hug my waist frombehind ]
When im scared
[ Protect me ]
When i lay my head on your shoulder
[ Tilt my head up and kiss me ]
When i tease you
[ Tease me back and make me laugh ]
When i dont answer for a long time
[ reassure me that everything is okay ]
When i look at you with doubt
[ Back yourself up ]
When i say that i like you
[ I really do more than you couldunderstand ]
When i grab at your hands
[ Hold mine and play with my fingers ]
When i bump into you
[ bump into me back and make me laugh ]
When i tell you a secret
[ keep it safe and untold ]
When i look at you in your eyes
[ dont look away until i do ]
When i miss you
[ im hurting inside ]
When you break my heart
[the pain never really goes away ]
When i say its over
[ i still want you to be mine ]
I hope that all guys can understand this!!! Pity the girls because we should be understanding each other!!! I hope it helps all in our relationships... ^^
Untitled thoughts
I've not been talking to him lately because we broke up but I realized that it was really stupid because I feel like a freak not talking. Today, I wanted to talk but I don't know how to talk because I feel more like a freak. It's terrible though.
Princess is a freak now!!! Hate it. I hope I can overcome my freaking attitude as soon as possible.....
Oh ya, guys, please don't try to be the 27 things I've wrote because it's really terrible as not many girls understand the 27 things and not all girls can accept it like I did. Please!!!!!!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
as I watch the moon rise
Waiting, and hoping, and wishing foryou
Stars shooting by, right past my eyes
and I can't help thinking of you
Needing you like a child to its mother
Needing only your love and not any other
Needing you with me all through thenight
Needing your comfort to make things alright
Needing you to wipe away my tears
Needing you to hold me, and take away my fears
Needing you to always be there for me
Needing your love to know that you care for me...
You are my life and my reason to live
You share your love, so willing to give
Needing you in my life throughout goodtimes and the bad
All the times to be shared happy and sad...
We both are so strong and our love will live on building and growing after time..
But as time goes by and the affection fade
You'll go your way and I'll go mine
The love was strong but now is fading
As we are never speaking
Who should we love anymore?
If love for human is to ask for more?
God will be the witness
As my love is for His sake
Should I be happy?
Should I be sad?
Should I be thanking?
Or should I just forsaking?
Honesty in Fasting Month!!!
What do I really want from him? I'm actually as confused as he is, not knowing if I love him or not anymore and I feel that I'm hiding from him all the while after he said that he wants to be just friends with me.
Now, I just wanna forget about him and let everything because I feel that, since I said that I respect his choice, I should never be too stubborn about it anymore, I give up.
I'll just try my best and be who I am and never seek for any excuses anymore.
Infatuation is what I call it.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Final Decision..
What can a girl do when she's saying that she loves a guy very much daily and he had never responded? The only idea that came to my mind was "he wanted me to leave him and I'll do so but I'll still love him forever."
I hope he'll understand my love and the moments I missed, spending with him.
Friday, February 22, 2008
3 days in segamat!!!!
We're now having on going book 3 and yet to have book 1 on monday so it's cool~~ Other than that, we're yet to have Bahai Children Class and Junior Youth Gathering this weekend... I'm so happy...
Although I'm sick but I'm still happy and I miss him... Erm, don't wanna mention who...
God Bless me, I love you and you love me... =)
27 Things girls must remember about guys!!!!
2.--Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
3.--Guys will do anything just to getyou to notice him
4.--Guys hate it when you talk aboutyour ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest.
5.--Boyfriends need to be reassuredoften that they're still loved.
6.--Don't talk about your guy friendstoyour boyfriend.
7.--Guys get jealous easily.
8.--Guys are more emotional than they'dlike people to think.
9.--Giving a guy a hanging messagelike "You knowwhat?!..uh...nevermind.." would makehim jump to a conclusion that is farfrom what you are thinking. And he'llassume he did something wrong andhe'll obsess about it trying to figureit out.
10.--Guys are good flatterers whencourting but they usually stammer whenthey talk to a girl they really like.
11.--A usual act that proves that theguylikes you is when he teases you.
12.--Guys love you more than you lovethem if they are serious in yourrelationships.
13.--Guys think WAY too much. One smallthing a girl does, even if she doesn'tnotice it can make the guy think aboutit for hours, trying to figure outwhat it meant.
14.--Guys seek for advice from girlsnotother guys. Because most guys thinkalike, so if one guy's confused, thenwe're all confused.
15.--When a guy asks you to leave himalone, he's just actuallysaying, "Please come and listen to me."
16.--If a guy starts to talk seriously,listen to him. It doesn't happen thatoften, so when it does, you knowsomething's up.
17.--If your best guy friend seems toavoid you or is never around whenyou're with your boyfriend, he'sprobably jealous and likes you.
18.--When a guy tells you that you arebeautiful, don't say you aren't. Itmakes them want to stop telling youbecause they don't want you todisagree with them.
19--When a guy looks at you for longerthan a second, he's definitelythinking something.
20--Guys don't like girls who punchharder than they do.
21--A guy has more problems than youcansee with your naked eyes.
22--Don't be a snob. Guys can beintimidated and give up easily.
23--Guys talk about girls more thangirls talk about guys.
24--Guys hate rejection, but they hatebeing led on even more.
25--If you are going to reject a guy,just do it. Don't say they are like abrother or just good friends, it justhurts even more. Tell them that youaren't interested in a relationshipand they will respect you.
26--Guys really think that girls arestrange and have unpredictabledecisions and are MAD confusing butsomehow are drawn even more to them.
27--When a guy sacrifices his sleep andhealth just to be with you, he reallylikes you and wants to be with you asmuch as possible.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
As of Suraz, I have the confidence. Today, an aunty told me that boys get matured when they are 30 and when they are 16 or around this age, they are like chameleons, changing all the time. That's why, giving you the time is the best!!!! ^^
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Bad Day...
I just hope you'll understand that I really love you and would want you to be happy. I'll love you and only you, Ivan. Please trust me and have confidence in yourself.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Why are we granted love?
I used to play with love for many times because I never knew the meaning of love until someone made me realize that love is something that is unpredictable and not hoping for anything in return.
I fell in love with someone, I think for the first time although I've been in relationships. I was really scared that he would leave me but after time past by and I ponder, I realized that I should let him be what he want to so that he would succeed in his life. I'll just be right here waiting.
I don't expect him to do anything to me as long as I can love him. ^^
Those who were hurt by love before, listen to me. Never ever try to break people's heart, relationships or tend to implant hatred in lovers' eyes to one another, I know who you are. Come'on! Just love a person truthfully and don't do anything.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Few days ago, I've invited Ireetha for a youth gathering and asked so that the parents would send her and her brother. I've never thought of just to meet him or to affect him but I was just thinking of his psychological growth. The talk is regarding something all would go through and I hope that he would be able to listen to it at first hand. I hope that them can understand that we need to grow both materially and spiritually.
I know I'm angry for such a reason is kinda ridiculous but I just hope that they would not limit him in his learning. I read the book "Rich Kid Poor Kid" and it's stated there that parents are the one that'll cause their children to be limited because they don't improve themselves accordingly. If they really want their children to grow, they have to let them take the risk! Will you ever learn to get up when you've never learned to fall?
I love people for who they are and I will only tend to make them more happy not failure. If they really want the best for him, they would know when to let him go. I hope they let him go and love the children equally.
Love is the only thing on earth that is limitless and when we do something, we tend to limit it! Come on people, wake up! Just love truthfully because it's from the heart which is sincere...
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Until the time have past
I became a mummy crap
while it was meant to be the last
Was love meant to be a curse for me
Or i was just an enchanted queen
ready to be lonely me
just like the breezes flee
Don't wanna know why
I just can't see why
Tell me the reason why
Am I meant to be white?
It felt slashed and felt smashed
As though there were nothing but breath
I don't believe it
It'll never be through
As I love you
And I know you too
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Yesterday, I received a message from someone that used to be after me. He said that I caused him to be who he is today and I feel really bad as he said he didn't bear the chance to continue his studies abroad was because of me. I'm really scared of him but I felt guilty when he say so. However, I never regret rejecting him because I never had any feelings for him thus I was afraid of him. I love him as a friend and will never be more than that, I just hope I could help him now...
Frankly, before I received the message, I've thought of giving up SURAZ. However, I didn't. After reading the message, it made me realized, if you truly love someone, it doesn't mean that you should have him in your life forever, letting him go would be the better.
Love and unity is the most important factor in everything. I hope that my love for him would be as much as my love for God thus would add on as I serve.
"Where there is love, nothing is too much trouble and there is always time."
Monday, February 11, 2008
Heart Broken...
Ok ok... not my personal things... Just that I have to learn to be broken to be in a piece again...
Thank you all you guys who helped me in my time of tests... Especially baby(if you read this post and made me laughed alot then it's you =P)..
I'm like a Cinderella because I have to go home before 12am but someone say I'm an enchanted princess because can't have relationships that lasted more than 2 months. Now, I won't have anymore relationships because it's a waste of time if relationship can't last forever, love is just an illusion if there is no true commitment and sacrifice; it will just be a glass waiting to be break at dawn; I seek for a diamond commitment and selfless sacrifice.
In other words, I seek for people who can serve God with me not people who can accompany me or promise me things that can't be done. Please don't come and hurt me anymore, I'm not as tough as I'm seen.
The Greatest Day..
The happiest thing I've been through is that I could finally see the person I love. Although we were avoiding each other, didn't talk and to me, seems like enemies, I'm contented. I finally understand that when you love someone, you should let that person go... I must thank Sayshan because he taught me what was right and wrong thus let me go... However, I could barely deny that I love SURAZ more than anything...
I'm really afraid that it would be my karma because I've dumped lots of guys before... I was a very playful, jolly and naughty girl; now, I just tend to do everything so that our relationship remains including serving for blessings.
Somehow, I understand that we should, as a Bahai, let teaching become the dominating passion in our lives. I agree that and I hope that I can be so. I just hope for world unity and that's it.
I'll not let my personal desire outtake my love for God. I just want to be like Abdul Baha, be as a candle to burn the flame in people's lives.
Just smile, laugh and be happy for me ok? God is the most Merciful... =)
Should I still hope for everlasting love in the path of service? I still hope that it's the same person from now till forever, love is dramatic...