Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Well, I did my book one for the Fifth time today... Every time, I'll just learn something newer and later.. Today, I've learn about admitting my mistakes and being truthful to myself.

I understand how much I lied to myself till last year, when I started to serve. I strive to be a true Bahai, living in accordance to the Bahai Standard. People thought I was a freak and it's ok because we see things different level. Other than that, it's like everything is just meant to be the way it had been because I choose it to be.

Today, I've decided to be just friends with him; if that's what he wanted. We should show loving kindness to all who may cross our path and he is one of them. Why can't we be just friends? People always say it and it's easy to say.

It's definitely hard to let deeds not words be our adorning but I'm striving for letting deeds to be my adorning. I hope I succeed.

I was really bad in loving someone, that's why my mist wasn't solved. I hope I can love everyone the same way and be who I am meant to me. If I do anything I'm not supposed to, please remind me and tell me. Thanks!!! ^^


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