Friday, February 22, 2008

27 Things girls must remember about guys!!!!

1.--Guys may be flirting around all daybut before they go to sleep, theyalways think about the girl they trulycare about.

2.--Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.

3.--Guys will do anything just to getyou to notice him

4.--Guys hate it when you talk aboutyour ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest.

5.--Boyfriends need to be reassuredoften that they're still loved.

6.--Don't talk about your guy friendstoyour boyfriend.

7.--Guys get jealous easily.

8.--Guys are more emotional than they'dlike people to think.

9.--Giving a guy a hanging messagelike "You knowwhat?!..uh...nevermind.." would makehim jump to a conclusion that is farfrom what you are thinking. And he'llassume he did something wrong andhe'll obsess about it trying to figureit out.

10.--Guys are good flatterers whencourting but they usually stammer whenthey talk to a girl they really like.

11.--A usual act that proves that theguylikes you is when he teases you.

12.--Guys love you more than you lovethem if they are serious in yourrelationships.

13.--Guys think WAY too much. One smallthing a girl does, even if she doesn'tnotice it can make the guy think aboutit for hours, trying to figure outwhat it meant.

14.--Guys seek for advice from girlsnotother guys. Because most guys thinkalike, so if one guy's confused, thenwe're all confused.

15.--When a guy asks you to leave himalone, he's just actuallysaying, "Please come and listen to me."

16.--If a guy starts to talk seriously,listen to him. It doesn't happen thatoften, so when it does, you knowsomething's up.

17.--If your best guy friend seems toavoid you or is never around whenyou're with your boyfriend, he'sprobably jealous and likes you.

18.--When a guy tells you that you arebeautiful, don't say you aren't. Itmakes them want to stop telling youbecause they don't want you todisagree with them.

19--When a guy looks at you for longerthan a second, he's definitelythinking something.

20--Guys don't like girls who punchharder than they do.

21--A guy has more problems than youcansee with your naked eyes.

22--Don't be a snob. Guys can beintimidated and give up easily.

23--Guys talk about girls more thangirls talk about guys.

24--Guys hate rejection, but they hatebeing led on even more.

25--If you are going to reject a guy,just do it. Don't say they are like abrother or just good friends, it justhurts even more. Tell them that youaren't interested in a relationshipand they will respect you.

26--Guys really think that girls arestrange and have unpredictabledecisions and are MAD confusing butsomehow are drawn even more to them.

27--When a guy sacrifices his sleep andhealth just to be with you, he reallylikes you and wants to be with you asmuch as possible.


Anonymous said...

I think you might be a little....I don't know whether to say optimistic or naive. The main thing I have learned about guys is that guys are never just friends, they always want to sleep with you unless they are actually for sure gay. Trust me. Even that guy your see as your big brother or whatever (not related), He wants to sleep with you to. They are simple creatures, and sadly I don't think they are quite as sensitive as you have portrayed them here.

Anonymous said...

i think everyone wants what they don't think they want.

e.g. a girl THINKS she wants a really romantic, sweet, sensitive guy who is always at her beck and call, but really she wants a guy who is a little laid back, cool, confident and a little cocky.

and a guy THINKS he wants to be told how much his girl loves him, but really he wants to chase for her attention. otherwsie he will lose interest.